This is the same story everywhere the wind industry has been. - TopicsExpress


This is the same story everywhere the wind industry has been. Destruction of our beautiful countryside, much of which are Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, division of families and rural communities, killing of birds and damage to the wildlife and waterways, adverse health impact of people forced to live beside these industrial wind turbines and the overhead pylons and substations that come along with them, the devaluation of property prices and the loss of jobs in the tourism sector, the dramatic increase of our electricity bills of 39% since this renewable programme was introduced, bribes being paid to councils dressed up as "community benefits" when residents of those communities are unaware that this money is coming out of their pocket in the first place and ALL the empty promises made by the wind industry which is pure fantasy which some elected representatives have fell for. The government has a duty of care to Protect its citizens and its Environment and that is NOT happening. Look at what has happened in other countries and learn from their mistakes. Prevention is better than cure!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 11:24:31 +0000

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