This is the second occasion that I am posting this message, as the - TopicsExpress


This is the second occasion that I am posting this message, as the first posting was deleted. Myself and the other paying guests who attended the Muic Melbourne ball would appreciate a response to my post Dear MUIC, A few weeks ago, I purchased a MUIC ball ticket from a friend who no longer saw himself fit to attend the MUIC ball. When I inquired a few friends as to whether I needed to inform MUIC about this situation, I was told that it would not be an issue because name changes are a very commonly requested and executed last minute alteration. However, when my situation was informed to MUIC the night before the Indian Ball, to many peoples bewilderment, including mine – I was not only refused a name change but also a refund for the ticket I purchased. Though I have politely asked for a justifiable reason as to why I was not allowed entry to the ball (despite having paid $85 just for a ticket alone), I have only been provided with absurd and ludicrous explanations by some of the MUIC members. After discovering that many others were also treated in this unfair manner we have realised the need to shed light on this unreasonableness. Firstly, the MUIC President was absolutely fine when he was informed that I needed to be added onto the guest list. However, only a few minutes after he told me that “this [the name change] shouldn’t be an issue ☺” Vic revoked his decision because MUIC’s executive members overruled his (the President’s) decision. Here are the main arguments that were presented: 1) Name changes cannot be made because the list has already been sent to the venue and they are no longer accepting further alterations. Firstly the venue has been used on numerous occasions and even though you may fool some innocent individuals who trust your word due to your authoritative position, it is commonly known that the only two things that venues (especially this one in particular) do not accept are extra numbers and dietary changes. A name swap does not fall under either category as someone has already been listed to attend the event and therefore, there is no need for the venue to cater for this amendment. Secondly, the arguments you concocted about the inability to alter the guest lists because they had already been sent to the venue was a complete and utter lie because I was informed by your own ball attendees that it was some MUIC committee members who were in charge of the guest lists - not the venue security. From this it is clear that you did not care to factor in the loss of money people were experiencing due to your selfish profit making tactics. Thirdly, the organising club has the final say and can always arrange for a name swap to be made at any point in time. Why? Because a name change is one small and simple request. I did not come to you saying I bought a ticket off a random and expect a seat. If this was the case, your refusal could have been justified because there would be no way to verify if the ticket I bought was legitimate or not. However, I came to you with the full name of the person who bought the ticket. I also provided you with this person’s table number and his table leader. You knew that the proper process had been followed; yet you still denied me entry into the ball because, quite simply, you could not be bothered putting in the minute’s work to add my name onto your guest list. 2) The committee has already made the public aware a few weeks ago that name changes cannot be made: You made this announcement via a Facebook post. I do not have you as a friend on Facebook and am not required to read everything MUIC puts up, even if I did. I deactivated my Facebook for some time due to an overload of Uni assignments. Also, it would generally be assumed that the post you wrote included dietary requirements and seating numbers – things that could not be changed at the last minute because they are controlled by the venue. However, name swaps are more than possible, as repeatedly stated above. The only reason MUIC made this policy was because some of your committee members were blinded by the prospect of making profit, rather than providing their customers with the best possible customer service. 3) The committee has made a decision. We have had a vote. We have already turned back others so we cannot make an exception for you Many of the points made above prove that these are just excuses. It was later revealed that the real reason why MUIC was not allowing any last minute amendmenta was because some members of your committee are sick of being treated as less than the Sri Lankan clubs and being walked all over last minute by people simply because your tickets are cheaper. Firstly your club politics should not affect the innocent individuals, who invest their trust and money in you for a good event. It should be noted that, without the money and presence of this community, your club – let alone any other Uni club, would not be able to run. If you want this so called respect, then earn it. Don’t take advantage of innocent individuals who fall victim to your greedy schemes. Secondly, I know for a fact that both Melbourne and Monash Lankan clubs made name changes on the night of their balls, because individuals who were sick sold their expensive tickets to others. This was accepted because those clubs made satisfying their attendees their central concern, rather than making profit. I also want to take the time out to remind MUIC that your events become sold out, not because of who you are, but because of the respect and trust the general public have for your club. This was earned not by the current MUIC committee, but by the Presidents and committee members of the past few years who went out of their way to construct a community that looks out for one another. I am sure that they would be disappointed right now, if they were to know that all their hard work and legacy they left behind has been replaced by some money -hungry individuals who think it is justifiable to use the power given to them to exploit innocent individuals. I am sure you will now proceed to construct a response using your greatest English and truth fabricating skills. But before you do I want to remind you that I have screen shots of conversations with some MUIC members and I am most certainly not afraid to upload them. Also I am not the only person who has been robbed a minimum of $80/$85 by your club. I say a minimum of $80 because most bought of us went out of our way to buy ball attire and some of us even took the Friday off work. We were not only given farcical responses as to why we were denied entry to the ball, but remain to be at a loss of $80-85 because MUIC is refusing to refund us money to the ball we never had the chance to attend.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 11:24:14 +0000

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