This is the situation we are facing now. These abuses have reached - TopicsExpress


This is the situation we are facing now. These abuses have reached an epidemic level, and people are breaking, getting arrested, committing suicide, children abused and murdered, Human Rights everywhere are at stake here, as well as our future, which is our children. As they have showed by the TENS of THOUSANDS of Children who have been tortured, murdered or just ’disappeared’ in Gov’t ‘care’ in Extremely Disproportionate numbers if you are disabled, low income, a ’minority’, or worse, one who speaks out against what’s wrong and doesn’t back down. Only the Oppressor fears Truth and Scrutiny. The only Power govt’s have is the power WE give them. The only people who can make the changes Needed, is US. We are going to give you a free, safe, peaceful, legal and easy way to effect serious changes, not just for others, or similar issues, but also for Yourself, and your own, personal situation. We are talking targeted, specific change to situations occurring Right Now, which are desperately needed. We have spent Years debating or begging for a remedy for this issue to no avail as our children, families and communities have been destroyed. This has become a World Wide Human Rights Issue, in our case leading to support from over 10 million people in 18 countries and still going strong. If you Really are ready to make the change we have been demanding, and hold our Politicians to the promises they made to get elected, we will be giving you that chance. Believe me, when enough people speak politicians Can and Do listen, some are already ready. Especially when that is how they got their seat in the first place. We have found a way to do in only days what would take years or possibly never change at all, and how to help many at once, with no extra effort from you at all. We are NOT a group, we aren’t interested in making a name for ourselves or just our own personal causes. We work With others, we work Together, and we have found that this is one issue that truly unites us all. It always takes the courage to take that first step, but as History has Clearly taught us, it is those brave first steps, no matter how simple they seemed (Rosa Parks simply sat on a bus seat and changed the world forever) that are the ones that have led to the most important changes that affected the entire world. The non-violent, peaceful actions of people passionately dedicated to doing the right thing is The ONLY thing that Can affect change on that level. When enough people care, and the world is watching, Change Happens. We will not only be happy to answer anything you wish, but will be shortly posting just what can be done. As simple as it sounds, it has been years in the making, including a huge network of behind the scenes legal, medical, political and media sources, as if things go as we Know they can, we only see this becoming More effective. If you thought you were alone or isolated or had no other recourse than to angrily debate online- or worse, You are Wrong. You have so much more support than you think, as long as you take that 5 minutes for one, you will always have the full force of all you do 100x over and all the contacts, help and support we have amassed - which is Still growing daily despite hitting over 10 million. If this doesn’t show how many people are affected by this and ready to see things change for the better I don’t know what does. Before that anger, despair or feelings of victimization or hopelessness destroys you, let us give you a better solution. They may use Social Media against us and to invade our privacy, but just as the Truth, it is a double-edged sword, hence the reason they will go so far as to Jail people (everywhere, not just 3rd world countries, but NORTH AMERICA) just for speaking the truth about what was done to them or what things have been done to children and families by govt’s who we have held to NO ACCOUNTABILITY WHATSOEVER, EFFECTIVELY ALLOWING THIS, CONSENTING THROUGH SILENCE AND INACTION. We will give you a safe, easy, legal and non-violent way to change things, we will take on your case if you support the others, it is that simple. When it becomes about what is right for all, it is easy to care. It is actually the very essence of our Humanity, and destroying our compassion by taking our children destroys us as well, so the power of caring will Always be stronger than the poison of hatred. No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible, as together they are so powerful that the individual flakes become irrelevant, yet it takes every single one….and unlike those tiny individual flakes, no one can ignore an avalanche. 2014. The Year we used UNITY to change the world for our children and grandchildren and even ourselves. The most important WAR going on in the world today is the one against Children, Families, Communities, and Entire Cultures, not ones fought for the spoils of fossil fuels. Our children are Not Commodities, NONE of us are Disposable, and every single one of us has the Choice of being either a Victor or a Victim and the legacy you choose to leave for you and your family. We can give you the way, the means and the support, but the choice and the will is yours.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:57:01 +0000

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