This is the story of Oliver (Ollie for short) and sadly the story - TopicsExpress


This is the story of Oliver (Ollie for short) and sadly the story of too many back yard bred pit bulls. Ollie came to us the day before Thanksgiving. We received a call early in the morning reporting a little pit bull that was tied to a tree and had been barking since 3:00am. When we arrived we were told that he was not friendly. His defensive barking is surely what gave the concerned bystanders that impression, but Ollie was just bluffing. He was simply a scared dog that was wondering why he was left tied to a tree in the middle of the night and surrounded by strangers. It took Cody about 5 minutes to earn his trust and untie him and then another 5 to coax him into the car and then off we went to get this guy a meal; some water and post him here in the hopes that he just got out and someone tied him up for his own protection. It turns out that was not the case. We discovered who the dogs owner was and we are confident that the dog was deliberately abandoned (just a few blocks up the street from his home, where he probably watched his owner walk away and leave him as he headed back home). We also know that the previous owner picked him up from neighbors who were the original back yard breeders of Ollie. Before we continue the story, we need to segue here and point out that this is the what happens with irresponsible back yard breeding. Puppies are give away or sold to anyone, without follow up or any concern for where the pups end up in 6 months. For this particular puppy he went to a home that could not provide him with the training or socialization he needed to be a happy and healthy dog and found himself abandoned - tied to a tree in the middle of the night. He could have been picked up by dog fighters to be used as a bait dog, he could have been used as punching bag by bored teenagers, he could have been picked up by the local shelter to become just one more black pit bull sitting in a kennel with little chance of adoption. As it turns out, Oliver landed in our hands and though our sanctuary is full and our funds are tapped, the buck is stopping here. We will pick up the slack and take on the responsibility that the breeder never considered and the owner shirked. Why? Because its a life and he deserves to have someone cross his path that wont just give up and walk away from him. So, friends - meet Oliver. That is not his original name but since he was orphaned we thought it fitting. We dont have much to offer him right now but he has a roof over his head, a small yard and good meals. We are able to give him a daily walk and sometimes a little play time to chase the ball at the park. He needs help with his dog social skills. He reacts big but corrects easily and quickly - telling us that a little bit of effort (and someone giving a damn) is going to go a long way for this guy. He is little and stout and plays like a puppy. When he bounds after his ball in the yard you cant help but smile. Oliver deserves the good life. Life with a family, maybe a yard of his own, play time and long walks. . . If you would like to meet this little orphan please email us at [email protected]. Until then, well keep him safe and warm and see what we can do to make the rest of is story happier than the beginning of it.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 07:31:09 +0000

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