This is the story of a baby elephant named Jumbo. Jumbo was a - TopicsExpress


This is the story of a baby elephant named Jumbo. Jumbo was a sweet baby elephant who was favourite of the herd.He used to play with his friends every day near the lake spraying water on everyone.Once he came to know about a beautiful pond in the middle of the jungle.He heard that there were lovely flowers all around the pond and the fish in the water were the most beautiful.The water of the pond was crystal clear and sparkled as if there were stars floating Jumbo wanted to go there .He asked his father to take him to the pond .His father promised to take him there the next day.Jumbo was so excited that he could hardly sleep at night.He woke up early the next morning, took a bath and was ready before his father. His father warned him that since it was a long walk ,Jumbo should not wander here and there ,else he may get lost . Jumbo held his fathers tail in his trunk and they started for the pond. Jumbo was shaking his fathers tail so much that he became angry and asked Jumbo to leave his tail. After some time Jumbo became hungry ,he was afraid to say anything to his father.At the same time he saw a Monkey eating a banana on a tree.He thought that he can go quickly and eat some bananas and his father wont even know.But he was wrong ,when he came back after eating the bananas his father was nowhere in sight .He trumpeted loudly to call his father but did not get any reply.He was lost and started crying.The monkey saw him and understood that he was lost .The monkey asked him to wait there.He went swinging on the trees and spotted Jumbos father and told him everything.They came back together near Jumbo.Jumbo was so happy to see his father.He said sorry to him and promised that he will never do such a mistake again.He also thanked the monkey for helping him. At last they reached the pond .It was really a beautiful pond.Jumbo was so happy that he jumped with joy and thanked his father for bringing him to the pond.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 09:48:21 +0000

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