This is the testimony of a fellow ambassador on my team. - TopicsExpress


This is the testimony of a fellow ambassador on my team. Incredible and brave of her to post! Thank you Janet Knight Grubbs for being so open! Those who know me, know how sick I have been, but here is my story.... Most of you know me, but for those who dont, I am a 48 year old woman who has had her share of medical problems. After getting married in 1989, my husband and I tried to start a family. After many years of Infertility treatments and miscarriages, I was told that I would not be able to have my own children. That DEVISTATED me! In 1999, I had a total Hysterectomy. I soon began to have digestive system trouble. The doctors initially diagnosed me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. After many months of bleeding I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I have suffered many years of illness due to Ulcerative Colitis. In 2007, I noticed that I had put on an incredible amount of weight. I was cranky, tired all the time andjust didn’t care about anything, not even myself. After getting some blood work, ultrasound and CT Scans, I was told that I had Thyroid Cancer. Talk about going into SHOCK! I was scared out of my mind! Thank God that I only had to have 3 rounds of radiation. I truly believe God was preparing me for something. I wasn’t sure what, but it was going to be wonderful. In 2009, I was CANCER FREE! On April 5th of 2010, I had back surgery due to degenerative disc disease, herniated disc and a torn sacrum. These injuries were caused by many years of sports and a fall down a flight of stairs while attending college. I was sent home only to return to the ER three days later. I was immediately taken to the operating room to clean my internal organs with antibiotics to help fight off the infection. I was in the hospital for three days, then got to go home again. Just when I thought I was getting better I had this awful feeling of fullness in my belly. I drank prune juice and hot coffee, not my favorite things, to help me eliminate my body’s waste. Well, the next day I went to my doctor again. He immediately put me in a wheelchair and rushed me across the street to the hospital for a CT Scan. They found that I had several hematoma’s that needed to be drained and several that had already ruptured and I was filling up with blood. My doctor said that had I waited another hour, I would have died! Yes, I had to have surgery AGAIN! They cleaned me out again and inserted drain tubes to help drain the ‘YUCK” out of my belly. I remained in the hospital for three more days until I was able to go home. At this time I thought, this has to be the end of this situation, but within a week I was back in the hospital due to infections cause by the drainage tubes. They had to take me to surgery again to remove 4 abscesses from my belly, which couldn’t be sewn closed because they had to heal from the inside out. I had to pack the holes in my stomach with gauze two times a day. All this happened between April 5 and May 5 of 2010. By the end of June I finally was healed. Thank God for seeing that it was Not my time to leave this world. My life was getting better, my UC hadn’t reared it’s ugly head in about 2 years, until my birthday in 2012. I ended up in the hospital with a UC flare and found out that I had C-Diff! Talk about being sick! C-Difficile is an overgrowth of the BAD bacteria in your colon that causes nausea, pain and anxiety that nearly made me think I was losing my mind! Throughout the next year and a half I was hospitalized three times due to C-Diff. Even though I have UC I needed to lose some weight brought on by 7 prescription medications, menopause and stress. I decided it was time to get myself Healthy from the inside out. In March of this year, I saw a Facebook ad for Plexus. I asked my friend about it and then did a lot of research on the ingredients and how they worked. I started with the Slim/Accel+ Combo along with the ProBio5 and XFactor. Within a few days I joined the Plexus family. Plexus has truly saved my life! I was 247 pounds at the end of March this year. I have since lost 39 pounds and 21 inches and have been taken off all of my medications except Synthroid, which I will have to take forever, but I haven’t felt this good since I was 26 years old. I am so grateful to have found Plexus. I truly don’t know if I would be here today had I not started using their products. I still have some weight to lose, but I am heathier, happier and so grateful to be a team member of the Plexus family. I will forever take their products. I have saved thousands of dollars in medical bills, prescriptions and grocery bills. Take control of your health and use Plexus products. You too will be forever grateful that you took that first step. No Excuses, JUST DO IT! Let me help you choose the right products to start your journey to being HEALTHY! prettypinkpackage or message me for more information
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:16:11 +0000

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