This is the thing which the LORD had commanded: Let every man - TopicsExpress


This is the thing which the LORD had commanded: Let every man gather it according to each ones need, one omer for each person, according to the number of persons; let every man take for those who are in his tent (Exodus 16:16, NKJV). According to each ones need...Gods word has not changed. As long as God is the one providing, His word remains to gather according to each ones need, no more and no less. The sad thing about this today is that we have allowed greed and personal ambition to becloud our eyes and to close our ears to the word of God. As we read down Exodus 16:17-18 we find out that some gathered more while others gathered less however; when it was measured in the scale, whoever gathered much had nothing left over while those who gathered less had no lack. Finally, never forget those who are in your tent; all those who are unable to gather, all those who are lacking in one area or the other and all those who life has dealt great blows. Remember them in your gathering for God is expecting to see you provide for them. Are we there yet? Let it never be said of us that we saw Him hungry and gave Him no food, we saw Him helpless and we offered Him no help, we saw Him naked and we looked the other way while making fun of Him,,,
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:10:53 +0000

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