This is the time of revelation and knowledge. I will gather you - TopicsExpress


This is the time of revelation and knowledge. I will gather you under my wings and teach you to soar. No longer will you live in fear the judgment of mankind, for I will gather my own. You will hear my voice and know that I your God have raised you up for such a time as this. I will heal your brokenness and you will fly on the wind of my Spirit. The currents of destination and purpose will fill your life. A new and undeniable voice shall rise up to the nations in the cry of the eagle. From the throne room of heaven I will call and release you. I will tear the film of fear and rejection from your eyes, and you will see with the vision of the eagle seeking her pray. You will endure the storms of extreme adversity and take your strength to others who have lost their voice. You will have the discernment to cloak yourself in me and me only. Anne Cox Duet 32:11-12 11 Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that flutters over its young, spreading out its wings, catching them, bearing them on its pinions, 12 the Lord alone guided him, no foreign god was with him
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 00:51:35 +0000

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