This is the time of year that I begin seriously considering why I - TopicsExpress


This is the time of year that I begin seriously considering why I do this... LONG hours at the computer, the seemingly endless calls inquiring as to why this show or that show isnt done, perpetual reminders of what I had projected and standoff-ish inquiries of what the new projections are. I work hard at this video production stuff. And this year, like last, life got in the way. Family first. I am so very thankful for the derby community as a whole. Its important to have friends like Josh Decker and Brian Tomkins, Ben Haust, Bob Apgar, Brett Relyea, Matthew Poormon, Frank Palmer, Thomas Dowd... not to mention, Josh Buell, Jeremy Gulley and Eric Eberling, Jay Tweedie, Ryan Diehl, George Hackett Jr., Guy Raymond Jr., Peter Hansen, Shaun Gochenour, Eileen Mann and Steve Bucknam, Todd Hight and Mike Ritton... to leave no one out, of course. But to name the few I have spoken with the last three, four days. I count every one of them as friends within this industry. But, similarly, I have also come to realize that so many of these people buying DVDs or magazines or whatever... they arent lifers. In November, December, January... dozens of the customers - they arent thinking about demolition derby. Whereas the people metioned and so many more are 24/7/365ers who see the big picture and understand what is being built, they account for a much smaller percentage than our inner circles might think. So many instead are 2/1ers... two days a week, one month out of the year derby folk - focusing on their own one or two nights of glory at a hometown fair. And when some stranger from out of town tries to peddle a DVD, they dont realize the production time, nor the scale at which we are operating. Not to mention, real life steps in. We had a couple people laid to rest at home; my lovely and ever-so-supportive wife is a teacher, and together we have two children and this is their summer vacation too. My peak season is their down time. Recognizing that this is a chosen path, more so I tonight am realizing its not an easy one and it so often feels like a solo journey. I feel for those left waiting on me, and it kills me to let people down. However, at the late hours when there is little left to burn beside the last of the days midnight oil and a couple cans of Red Bull or Monster, I know I can turn to facebook and drop a message - and SOMEONE will write back... Derby family isnt as far away as it sometimes feels... And as we learned through the end of July with the trials facing the Wolfangers and the Engelghardts - making pale my own scenario in comparison - that is a tight-knit, supportive family... many of whom, through the next several nights, I will undoubtedly rely on for support. I hope you all know how important it is to be supported and to know this vision and goal is shared, and that I genuinely hope to make better the derby world than when I found it.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 03:52:22 +0000

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