This is the time of year when company drops in. Perhaps it the - TopicsExpress


This is the time of year when company drops in. Perhaps it the neighbor with a gift, perhaps an old friend wanted to say “Hi”. It’s great, but what do you do when the house is a wreck. Try my 15 minute clean up! It’s a speedy way to look “company ready” without any stress. Here’s what to do. • Grab the Laundry Basket: Go room to room and put everything that doesn’t belong in the room into the basket. Once you have done that, stash the basket, contents and all in a closet. • Next the Bathroom! There is no room in your house where people have more private time to look around! Just take a seat on your throne sometime and look around! Take a microfiber cloth and wet it with warm water and wring out. Wipe down counter, faucets and sink, rinsing as needed. Use the cloth one last time to wipe the toilet. Fluff or shake the rug outside and put out clean towels. Light a candle and place on the sink, if you have one. • Check the room you will sit in: Do guests go in your family room, living room, kitchen? Wherever you will be, fluff the pillow, run a duster over furniture if time permits, turn on the holiday lights and decorations and table lamps. If you have a chance and need to run the vacuum, if time doesn’t permit, skip. • Kitchen: You know you always end up in here. Dishes on counter or in sink….quickly stash in the dishwasher. Wipe down counter, sink and faucets with another microfiber cloth. • Got Smells: Fill a pan with water and add cinnamon, cinnamon sticks or/and cloves. Bring to a boil while you are working in the kitchen and then turn to LOW. The house will smell amazing and not like air freshener. • Shoes etc. in entry: Anything that didn’t belong here should be in that handy laundry basket. Look one last time. • All About YOU! Quick…..check your hair, put on some lipstick, take off your PJ’s or dirty T-Shirt and jump into something clean. Take a deep breath and put a smile on your face! • Last…..Let there be light! Some people say dim the lights, but I say turn them on. Your house will look bright and welcoming instead of dull and unwelcoming. • Don’t Forget: Take that laundry basket and put everything in it back where it goes.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:16:14 +0000

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