This is the true history of Martian Civilization. I know this to - TopicsExpress


This is the true history of Martian Civilization. I know this to be true. I knew before humans knew before. Martian Transport - including Martian guard somehow petrified in the Martian post Apocalypse environment from Red their natural color- to Green... NASA is faking it. NASA fakes Mars videos so it looks like an previously desert- but yet was densely by Martians and other species before their group of last Final Wars came to an end, leaving about only 500 Martian survivors left on the whole planet which marked the Martian Apocalypse. The cause of the Martian Apocalypse was caused according to Martian History, by the application of what is technically termed the Martian Formula. During application of the Martian Formula, Martian society was split up in factions. Factions would hit each other with hate and wars, and revenges, tit for tat, wars upon wars. The of the Martian Civilization was spoon -fed for something like a million years or more, something to near that extent at least. buy the authorities on Mars. Martian science and technology was very easily tens of thousands of years in advanced of modern primitive science on Earth. And yes, the martians they have had flying saucers on Mars for a good while. The remainder of about 100 Martians that were part of the descendants of the 500 Martians who were the only survivors from the Martian Apocalypse. Below is a Mars transport system of some sort, and the guard that looks petrified green, because he is a Martian and they are normally red skinned, but look like the guard does otherwise. You may notice the petrified greenish unnatrual color for Martians in the video . Other than he should red- that is officially what a Martian looks like- but kind of bright red - skinned instead . NASAwas not only sloppy, but downright rude for not having tried to get a priorwelcome before they landed all these primitive intruments that poke around on their homeland planet. It is well known inside and outside the Milky Way that the long - standing from early people on earth to Modern Times have reputation extremely brutally violent. Every extra-terrestrial race knows about the reputaytion and how stupid humans are and one can nerver underestimate the stupidiy and talent that goes along with of humans. And they do not give help to such evill brutal barbarics. And they certainly are intelligent, and because they are not stupid- they will neve contact any Earth government- I can promise this. because as I said, they are not stupid. All the governments on the planet are evil warmongers- pretty much. And the governments are all spoon feeding the Earth Formula. The Earth governments have every intent to keep everyone alive on a mass hypnotic sleep trance. True evil always hides, deceives, conceals itself very well , and does not like to be noticed. This includes also not noticing itself- because it is another form of the same thing not noticing. Any knowledge that any sing greedy government*s get their they will be selfish and greedy about it, and conceal- without any single of the governments having any clue about anything right in front pof them. They all conspire to keep people from waking up to higher wisdom and truths. This way no one knows who starts the coming World War 3. True Evil. The evil governments speak of peace but their actions show that they only are interested in war for revenge to each other. And all the citizens in the world are kept asleep by the intent of evil governments= whenever possible, so they can all have their obscured and concealed revenges and they will blackmail and throw a good persons to filth just to get revenge, and carry on their secret desires for wars which always factor in a big gamble- just like the governments of hostile barbaric humans are now invading Mars without having gotten any permission. The surviving Martians in their saucers do not want to get anywhere near any human. They are wise to brutal and violent humans. They know. And they know that the governments of primitive toy science humans, have rudely come to their home planet, and deceive the whole human race. The Martians will not help such violent and disgusting violent entities ever. I can promise you they have technology which is easily tens of thouysands of years into the future, but that is low balling the figure. You may be talking well over a million years advanced that primitive modern human science. The surviving Martians hate war and hostility. Last I heard they were no longer living on Mars, but I have seen their saucer on some NASA link I believe. I am sure that was the Martians. The Martians utterly despise war and violence. And to top when the Apocalypse was over the Martian Armageddon set in soon. And what they soon realized was that they coul no longer breathe their own natural air. So the 500 Martians built an atmospheric enclosed bubble on Mars...the colony went on...and in 1979 the Viking Lander was more than unimpressive- but extremely disruptive to them, by without ever trying once to get a single welcome- which the human governments of Earth are evil, more or less. And woudld never get the welcome they do not command. The sick horrible perpetual violence... Speaking of governments with 110 percent idiots all of them. The Scientic Research that was still being carried out by the peaceable Martians on Mars had to be but to a finish, all their middle projects they were in. UIt stopped very important research they were doing and they flew out on a saucer or so, with their bags packed along with all the pertintent information that they had on Mars at the time of the Viking Landing and were out on a saucer around 1984. Speaking of evil governments earlier that reminds me, :-{) You can fool all of the humans all of the time, but you cannot fool any of the Martians any of the time.:-{). I can promise you that this statement I just made is true. :-{). NASA FAKES videos and throws sand to humans on video.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:07:32 +0000

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