This is the weirdest post Ive ever posted after my last one some - TopicsExpress


This is the weirdest post Ive ever posted after my last one some 30 months back when we 1st discovered about Adeles condition. As almost all of you are aware, we are here in Philly attending to Adeles 2nd assessment with IAHP. Amidst all the excitement and joy that we had after being told that shes achieved so many good changes in all aspects, our dear hero, the super dad collapsed just an hour before we were heading home. Choy nearly passed out and he had bloody diarrhoea. A scene which will stay with me for the rest of my life. The staff at the Institutes rushed us to E.R while a few of them took care of Adele. Choy stayed in the hospital for the last 5 days and was safely discharged today. He had stomach ulcer and they have treated it. It has been the most agonising 5 days of my life constantly waiting for an update from the hospital and at the same time trying to stay calm and positive attending to lectures as well as designing Adeles program with the team. As Im writing this, I wonder how did both Adele and I survived these 5 days without Dada. We have so much to be thankful for...I thank HIM for making this happened at the right place and time. We had our travel insurance, we were at the institutes when it happened instead of in the plane, or train or on the street. The staff at the institutes gave all their love to us. They allowed us to stay at the centre, got my meals fixed, arranged the best nanny for Adele while I attend lectures, ferried me to and back the hospital while caring for Adele...and the list goes on and on and on. I cant thank the host enough for all the help too. To Echo who drove all the way from Jersey just to be with us for that few hours. Of course, Ill be lying to you if I said I was not worried, I was so hopeless, so scared but I was never alone. We were surrounded with so much love and for that Im ever so thankful. Now, thats the not so nice ordeal and its over. The doctor confirmed that Choy is healthy to fly and we will be heading home next Tuesday. I must apologise to those of you who have not received a reply from me about Adele. Its been a crazy week. So, here is an update of our little champion. 1. Physiologically - Adele is off candida and she grew 2.5 times faster as compared to before the program 8 months ago. Every part of her body grew even her chest. 2. Physically - shes now able to crawl on the floor. Her perception for vital sensation went from zero to perfect. 3. Intelligence - Adele received 2 victories for this area. Shes able to read independently with full understanding at a 8 year old level. She was given a book on the world and she briefly read the 1st few pages, she answered all questions correctly and among the questions were: A. How many continent are there in the world? She answered 7 B. Which continent does Malaysia belong to? She answered Asia C. Antratica is full of? She answered ICE. I cannot explain how proud I am when I received the results on Tuesday and how I wish Choy was there to receive them. Adele is now officially accepted into IAHP Intensive Treatment Program and we will be back here next Feb. The next 6 months program is tough but exciting. Admits Choys recent illness, we know we will get her to the next level. Thats our promise to this little champion. Thank you all for your prayers, messages and support...I hope this little sharing will make your Sunday a wonderful one.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 23:12:36 +0000

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