This is to all you unbelievers out there who thinks the bible is a - TopicsExpress


This is to all you unbelievers out there who thinks the bible is a book of myths and diary tales.......How many myths and fairy tail books accurately predict the future.....either you are WILLINGLY IGNORANT OR YOUR JUST PLAIN OLE STUPID and just because you might be a professor in a college doesnt mean your the sharpest tool in the box especially if you believe in evolution. ...for one thing there were over 300 predictions in the old testament predicting with 100% accuracy Jesuss first coming in which every detail of his life was foretold and the odds of that are way off the charts....and since you dont believe the Bible you must believe in evolution which is the DUMBEST AND MOST UNSCIENTIFIC theory there is and I can prove it .....DNA is the evidence of creation NOT evolution because its ALWAYS been known .....MIND OVER MATTER and if you interpret that phrase correctly it means ...there was a mind before there was matter....matter can never create mind and the second law of thermodynamics says that everything had a beginning and information can NEVER COME FROM MATTER ....ONLY A MIND....DNA IS AN INFORMATION HIGHWAY ....THAT CRIES OUT .....THERES A one in there right mind would ever walk by Mount Rushmore and look at this 4 faces and say...WOW!! LOOK WHAT MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF YEARS OF WIND AND RAIN HAVE CREATED! !! BECAUSE ANYONE WITH HALF A BRAIN KNOWS BETTER BUT YOU BELIEVE THAT TIME ALONG WITH WIND AND RAIN CREATED US ....WOW ...ALL I CAN SAY TO YOU IS ....YOUR WILLINGLY STUPID AND A RETARDED AND ON THAT DAY WHEN YOUR STANDING BEFORE THE CREATOR .....WHAT WILL YOU SAY.......WAKE UP MAN !! QUIT BEING STUPID.....DO SOME REAL SCIENCE ....EVOLUTION IS NOT SCIENCE ..NEVER HAS BEEN NEVER WILL BE AND YES YOUR ALL WRONG AND BOBBY RAY KINDRED IS CALLING YOU OUT!!! WHERE DID THE INFORMATION THAT IS IN DNA COME FROM.....I REST MY CASE .....AND IF YOU DONT HAVE AN ANSWER BESIDES TRYING TO PUT THE BIBLE DOWN JUST KEEP YOUR STUPID MOUTH SHUT ..IT WAS HERE WAY BE FOR YOU AND IT WILL STILL BE HERE LONG AFTER YOUR GONE....THY WORD IS SET IN HEAVEN FOREVER! !!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 10:04:02 +0000

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