This is to ask you a favour... If you have been visiting my - TopicsExpress


This is to ask you a favour... If you have been visiting my Facebook page in the past week, you will have seen several of posts on my timeline correcting the inceasing number of what have become known as #Toryporkies circulating in Northfield. It appears that the Conservative assumption in Northfield is that if they spend enough money on political marketing in the constituency, they can get local people to believe anything, from the misleading to the downright nasty. Labour does not have anything close to the size of the election coffers which the Tories are deploying in Northfield and as an individual I do not have the wealth of the candidate they have imported and who they are now promoting as a “local resident”. As result, we cannot match the volume of paid-for mailshots, flyers and other political marketing tools the Tories are posting through people’s doors. I guess it is only a matter of time before the promotional DVD comes out from them too! So here is the favour I am asking from you. If, like me, you are sick of the #Toryporkies, please help me to counter them in ways that do not cost a fortune. Like and share the posts I put on my Facebook timeline and follow me on Twitter @richardburdenmp . Talk to friends, neighbours and colleagues, not only about why you reject the #Toryporkies that the Conservatives are spending so much on, but more importantly about why people deserve better, both here in Northfield and across the country as a whole. In other words about why we need a change of Government in May 2015. Best of all, please join us in making it happen. Go to In the meantime, I’ll continue to work on behalf of local people. Here’s my report on some of the things I have been doing as your MP over the last year, both locally and nationally. richardburden/2014/11/my-parliamentary-report-to-the-people-of-birmingham-northfield/
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:16:19 +0000

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