This is truly inspiring. Thanks you so much for all your effort - TopicsExpress


This is truly inspiring. Thanks you so much for all your effort President Obama, and his team. The State of the Union Fact Sheet: Opportunity for All President Obama is Taking Action. President Obama will continue calling on Congress to: 1: Raise the minimum wage to $10.10 for all American workers. 2: Ensure women get equal pay for equal work by passing paycheck fairness 3: Extend emergency unemployment insurance for Americans who are looking for work. 4: Reward hard work by expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit. 5: Remove retirement tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and improve them for the middle class. 6: Protect LGBT workers by passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. 7: Reform business taxes and end tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. 8: Fix America’s broken immigration system. 9: Invest in economic growth while continuing to strengthen America’s long-term fiscal position. 10: Open new markets for American-made products. 11: Support America’s job creators through a small business and entrepreneurship agenda. 12: Expand fuel choices for American drivers. 13: Make high-quality preschool available to all American children. 14: Transform America’s high schools to ensure students are college and career ready.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:21:19 +0000

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