This is urgent people... please click and share the link below - TopicsExpress


This is urgent people... please click and share the link below with every Romney supporter you know. We have a direct call to action from Mitt (see the emails below), and it appears the GOP and the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) are beginning to realize just how important and influential Mitt Romney is to the party. I believe if we can muster support for Romneys call to action, it will be that much more likely that the GOP pushes for a quick and efficient nomination of Mitt Romney to lead the nation in 2016. What is the call to action? Essentially, Mitt Romney is asking us to donate to the the NRCC so the GOP can retain control of congress and win the 6+ highly contested senate seats to take over the majority and send Harry Reid packing. The dems have severely out-raised us and are on the warpath to retain control of the senate. If you click the link below, you will be directed to the contribution page with the Mitt Romney source code (so they know where the support came from). I am going to chip in right now and I challenge all of you to do the same. Ask yourself, if this is what it takes to get Mitt Romney the nomination, is it not worth it? Maybe skip a few Starbucks coffees this week. Consider it your first contribution installment to Mitt Romneys campaign. After all, experts agree, without a GOP congress and senate (and the races are close people) it is very unlikely that anything will be changed regardless whos president, and its even more unlikely that Romney will find the call to receive the partys nomination. So please contribute whatever you can. From Mitt Romney: *begin transcript* Subject: I’m reaching out, Jared -- Body: Everyone agrees that President Obama’s leadership in his second term has been even worse than we expected. So I’m hoping you will join me by chipping in $25 today to help our conservative candidates in key races across the nation. We need more conservatives in Congress to stop his agenda in his final two years. Jared, I know from experience these next two weeks are the most critical for a nationwide campaign. That’s why Congressional Republicans are pushing for 259 new donations before midnight tomorrow. Month after month, the Democrats have posted record-breaking fundraising numbers. Our opportunity is now. So I’m hoping you will join me by chipping in $25 today to help our conservative candidates in key races across the nation. Your contribution will go immediately into helping with critical get out the vote efforts, phone banking, and securing TV ad airtime. Protecting our House majority is the key to preventing this Administration from fundamentally transforming our nation. If the Democrats win and Nancy Pelosi is back in the Speaker’s chair, the President would be able to push through his agenda with ease—cementing his liberal legacy forever. We can’t let that happen. Please join me by making a contribution right now. Thank you and God Bless you! Mitt *end transcript* I also received this follow-up email detailing the response they are getting from Mitts help. Lets make the response even bigger! From Greg Walden: *begin transcript* Subject: FWD: FYI Jared: Body: Hey Jared, Did you see Mitt Romney’s email? Since Mitt’s call to action, weve had thousands of supporters step up to help conservatives win big in November. But it looks like you still haven’t chipped in. But there’s still time before the deadline. Click here right now to make your instant contribution of $45 to fuel House conservatives to victory. Don’t wait. We need you to step up—answer Mitt’s call to action right now. Thanks, Greg *end transcript*
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 18:38:31 +0000

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