This is very dangerous stuff, took a bit more time & read the - TopicsExpress


This is very dangerous stuff, took a bit more time & read the links, his website: ezralevant/ a mix of attacks on a culture that belongs in Israel & now far far too familiar with television news now federal strangely considering the past & never been to Israel, awards for Wold Statesman Award, surely baffling & insulting most Canadians, or at least leaving us baffled & scratching our heads, minimum, the mix of attacks on all , Arabs personally, Neil Young, full in your face yum yum sands & more sands, clearly with one article surmising the Saudis are panicking about oil, nearly delighting in it. Have some gone from overseas to oil as a weapon, to satisfy not just fossil & destruction of our country & dismantle it, I mean Harpers quote not mine & he means it, with vague direction except more of a warning, you will not recognize this country when I am done with it. I believe this completely but bringing the USA crazies here, & middle east score settling to as Harper called oil here, the boy Scouts of the world (safe guards, security to be the chosen land, the new chosen land to end the Arab supply, with simile during the unilateral live decree (Scouts comments from bashful to announce CHina & Malaysia were approved long wait over & me posting on here live, too, same time, mentioning the change from shoes, to at the time some stab at & used the word then, Boy Scout: as he did, puzzled but right on as it appears, the noose & more than oil, oil at any cost for bizarre nasty ones, not needed nor the issues brought to this land so clearly & one sided. The attacks on gypsies, with time to reflect nearly word for word matched our policy & words out of Minister Jason Kenney & Baird & others, almost word for words & sadly actions, incl our national purse to advertise in their lands on billboards & more, with message of stay home, do not even try to come to Canada, we will find you, & fast & deport you fast...followed by rammed through quick expulsion laws right after with other sub human or bottom of the chosen one long list. I think 100 countries with count down comes to mind, then the few of no tolerance you are out, not worthy. The whole site reeks of Fox on a bad hair rant day. Now Sun, shocking many, & those who tried & rejected for years, got overtaken by Sun & this guy connected with Quebec Peladeau media empire/ Quebecor media, & more..sure enough, clear, & coming together. We are playing with radicals to the top, & it is not good, not good at all. ezralevant/
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 10:54:54 +0000

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