This is very interesting to say the least and put this way, quite - TopicsExpress


This is very interesting to say the least and put this way, quite scary, that so few, would exert so much influence in our politics. Im going to share this and hope for comments from some of my friends to see how they feel about it. Myself, I have to question the motive behind this organization and would like to know a little more about the people affiliated with it. First off, to be quite frank with people, I dont like referring to the United States as a democracy, I prefer Republic. As far as Super-Pacs go, there are both Democratic and Republican which to me pretty much levels the playing field. Were talking about the Peoples Freedom of Speech here and as for this presentation, although the figures may be accurate, they could be misleading as to the actual will of the people. I might remind people reading this article, that there is a large and growing desire in this country for Socialism, and although, Power to the People, may sound like the way to go, it could be a step in the wrong direction. To look at this effort overall, to me it is useless and another attempt to take control by a minority that may have designs to subvert the Constitution in a round about way. Why would I consider it useless? For one simple fact. The people already have the power, they just dont use it. They may not have as much say so as to whom the candidate might be, but once in office, the will of the people can and should dictate their Representatives and Senators actions or votes. Communication with these people is so readily available these days, and if there is a growing concern about your Congressmen and women, Senators, actions, contact them. Ever hear of a recall vote? If our citizens could EVER, get past the great divide that the political factions have forced upon us, we could get something done. Stepping on the Constitution, which is exactly the direction this is headed, is not the way to go.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:35:40 +0000

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