This is very long but written by a Real Madrid fan about Di - TopicsExpress


This is very long but written by a Real Madrid fan about Di Maria Worth a read (y) First of all, I want to thank Di Maria for the great servant he has been to Real Madrid. From the start of the 2013/2014 La Liga season, he led Real Madrid to victory. Ronaldo had a rough start to the season, Bale was unfit due to no pre-season, and Benzema was just Benzema. We counted on Di Maria to serve the weekly win, to give balance to the team, and he did. The chances Di Maria would create week in-n-out are extraordinary. I really don’t believe in statistics, because when Di Maria would play, everyone else would PLAY, and become better. Thus the goals and assists other players got, would be often in result of Di Maria’s creativity either in counter-attacks or around the box. The goals Ronaldo would score, Benzema would score, Bale would score, would on occasion be around a chance Di Maria started. He was the engine to the team. He gave energy to the team, to attack, to play direct football, with organization. I do think at this very moment Real Madrid lost its most valuable player, and lets not confuse that with our best, because I think Real Madrid’s best player is Ronaldo, but our most valuable, game wise (in necessity), is Di Maria – someone who balances the team, and is that final piece that makes things click and work for Real Madrid to win. I’m not saying this now that Di Maria is leaving, I’ve said it throughout last season several times, I really mean it. For United fans asking if he’s worth the odd 60M pounds? Yes, the player United is buying right now, for the football he played last season, is worth even much more – It’s up to United to get the best out of him, just like Carlo Ancelotti did. Not only did Di Maria lead the team to victories in the beginning of the season, but he was being played out of position while he did it. When Bale joined, Özil didn’t want to compete and left, but Ancelotti convinced Di Maria to stay and compete, and compete he did. Di Maria was forced into midfield since Bale had to be played in his preferred position (he was the most expensive player, Perez wanted his money worth), and he thrived in that position. Di Maria played left centre-midfield, he wouldn’t stop running during the game. Often when players are put out of their natural positions, they fail to do well let alone impress (Ozil on the wings), but Di Maria became even better. I salute him for that. He made Real Madrid’s counter-attacking football work, when Ronaldo would drift into the box, Di Maria would cover his position, when Ronaldo would get lazy and forget to do his defensive duties, Di Maria would run back and do Ronaldo’s defensive duties for him – he would stop the runs, in which he would then have the ball and would start our counter-attacks. The pressure he put on the opponent was also extraordinary, Di Maria doesn’t stop running – he caused the other team to lose the ball quicker than they usually would. It’s important to note Carlo Ancelotti didn’t put Di Maria in midfield to do defensive work, but Di Maria did more than was asked for him. Di Maria really was the ENGINE to the team, because with Di Maria, you get a sense of how Real Madrid play. Direct and counter-attacking football. Replace him with James and Kroos (two extraordinary players, I’m very happy about them joining Real Madrid), and you get more possession styled football. It’s a shame knowing that Carlo Ancelotti himself is upset about Di Maria leaving, it’s never good for a manager to lose someone he needs. Today (24 August), Ancelotti said it was Di Maria’s decision to leave. Ancelotti tried to convince him to stay, Cristiano tried, and Ramos tried – It was Di Maria’s decision to leave Real Madrid. Why did he leave? Two reasons – he felt disrespected by Real Madrid when we signed James and Kroos, two players that can play in his position, and Perez didn’t give Di Maria the contract extension he was asking for (more money). I can’t blame Perez too much on this because Di Maria signed a new contract only last season, he needs to stay loyal to it. Not to forget, Di Maria was the MOTM in Lisbon when we beat Atletico Madrid to win La Decima. Cristiano got 17 goals last season in the Champions League, and I can sit here comfortably and say at least half of them were because of Di Maria being on the pitch. Looking back at playing Barcelona and Atletico last season, although we lost, Real Madrid’s best player in attack was Di Maria, unfortunately Ronaldo didn’t do too well in Clasico’s last season, and I don’t blame him with the defense Atleti and Barca stack on him. Nevertheless, Di Maria in the Champions League last season was a different breed of an animal. I really do believe Real Madrid was switching from being reliant on Cristiano (which we’re not) to being reliant on Di Maria, because he was the piece that connected everything. The middle piece of the puzzle that completed the picture. Now that he has left, Real Madrid will have to adapt to a new playing style. That really shows you how important Di Maria is, one player decided and dictated a playing style. Manchester United is getting a player capable of deciding a match by himself. A hard-working player, that’s willing to adapt to better the team. I can only ask Van Gaal to use him to his full potential, that’s always hard when a player leaves Real Madrid. Di Maria is used to quick, direct football, and now he’ll have to adapt to how United play. I hope you see at least a little bit of how important Di Maria was to Real Madrid, I think with him gone we’ll lose a nice chunk of our direct and counter-attacking football. But this season is a new start for Real Madrid, and I can’t sit here and sob about him leaving. Thank you Di Maria, for everything you have done – your hard effort will never be forgotten. Enjoy him Manchester United, all I can say is, please use him right!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 16:03:08 +0000

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