This is very weep said. Im all for tolerance, assimilation, - TopicsExpress


This is very weep said. Im all for tolerance, assimilation, diversification etc. I love Thai food, Indian food, mexican food, pizza and pasta, have eaten meals with friends of Iranian background in a restaurant of their background style of food - was lovely - Im deliberately choosing one example only of a NATIONALITY and not a race or religion. BUT I am VERY antagonistic to people of whatever background / race / religion etc CHOOSING to come to this country because it is better than their own (safer / economics etc) and then insisting that either they be allowed to follow their own cultural rules instead of ours, or for us to change to accommodate them. Classic examples are the banning of Christmas stuff in Sydney a number of years ago because it might offend non-Christians (and again, Im specifically not narrowing in on the muslim religion), or the woman in Perth who insisted she be allowed to wear her full face burkha for drivers licence ID photo. If people want and choose to come here they should be accepting of the rules laws and customs developed over the last 200 years by people from all the various countries who have immigrated here. I have no issue with women wearing a burkha if that is their choice and religion UNLESS it is in a location or a situation where head covering is NOT permitted. I cant wear a motorbike helmet into a petrol station, I cant wear a baseball cap inside an RSL, and if a cop needs to ID me for any reason he should be able to look at my licence and know its me. These people cannot expect these things to change. ALSO, it took me, and both my sons, 18 years of living here, as natural born Australians, going to school here etc, to get the right to vote and other such aspects. I FIRMLY believe that people arriving from overseas should have a similarly long period to earn the rights, and that includes also the responsibility of learning to read write and speak English. Furthermore, anyone coming claiming political asylum, or refugee type status, should be on a LONG probation period where ANY breach of rules where court appearance is mandated (Im not talking about minor errors like not realising its a school zone period and copping a speeding fine - but rather anything with violence and more serious offences are associated etc) should be IMMEDIATELY deported back to their country of origin. If I was PM and had previously put a law in place like that, Martin Pl would not have happened, that guy would have been ejected years ago, and 2 innocent Australians would still be alive. Oh and BTW, the channel 9 reporter who said that this was the first terrorist attack on Australian soil, did you forget about the Hilton hotel bombing way back in 1978. It wasnt muslim or islam but it sure as hell was a terrorist attack.t
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 06:28:31 +0000

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