This is what I also expect from BJP. Annyesha - TopicsExpress


This is what I also expect from BJP. Annyesha Mahapatro: What I Expect BJP to do once it comes to power at Centre and Narendra Modiji becomes PM of the country (off course I consider these to lay down foundation of a Strong Nation):- 1) Abrogation of Article 370 and making J&K an exactly normal state as any other state of India; 2) Special Emphasis on development of J&K like infrastructure development (Rail, Road, Sewerage, Drainage etc.), establishment of SEZs at Kashmir etc. coupled with strong rule of Law. Kashmiri pundits to be invited to come back to their native place and a conscious process of resettlement of Kashmiri hindus back to Kashmir. 3) Starting process of establishment of uniform civil code where all the laws are same irrespective of any religion. Muslim personal law board must be dissolved with immediate effect and all the dissenters must be dealt with iron hand of the state. 4) Enactment of Law on mandatory family planning irrespective of religion and a two child norm. 5) Setting up a conscious process of increasing numbers of indian army in order to bring it atleast at par with china in phases. 6) Starting dialogue with China & Pakistan on border issues on equal terms and maintaining our position as J&K our integral part and Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim etc. unquestionable part of india. 7) Special emphasis on education right from school levels to highest level i.e. universities. All the courses specially subjects like hindi, English, history, social studies etc. must be freed from the clutches of pseudo secularists, socialists, communists. Writers who see india from indian eyes must be recruited and all course curriculum specially on above subjects must be reviewed. The above will lay a strong foundation in nurturing seed of the next generation who can take this fight to next level and maintain sacredness of this country of sages. 8) The Government must take all steps necessary to curb papers/press/electronic media which are anti hindu and largely anti india. This precedent has been set by congress itself which kept pressurizing a particular paper where Shri Arun Shourie was the editor since it reported india from india perspective. 9) All the Governors of state ruled by Non NDA parties must be immediately changed and BJP confidant Governors shall be established. (this is again a precedent set up by congress) 10) Congress has looted this country by first establishing its roots within the system where almost every state institution has people loyal to the Nehru Clan which plays an extremely critical role in maintaining supremacy of Nehru clan. These people shall be identified one by one and must be weeded out otherwise they will make life of NDA very difficult and it will not be able to effectively work in the nation’s interest. 11) BJP shall establish by various means (I mean not in its own name), news papers, magazines, websites with strong national focus and who can effectively counter communists, socialists propaganda. 12) A special chain of schools may be opened throughout the country where vedic sanskriti alongwith important hindu scriptures are taught. 13) Government must keep vigilant eyes on madrassa education and see that they do not become centre of spreading hatred. 14) Congress has taught us how to use effectively the state organs like CBI, Enforcement Directorate to keep your opponents under control. BJP should also use them effectively learning from congress. 15) A special panel may be set up to review the names of state institutions/properties with special mandates like all the names of foreign invaders be removed(like name of Aurangzeb, babar), names shall not be excessively from the members of any one clan like a huge nos of roads, institutions are named after Nehru clan. These must be made wide based like names from different glorious eras of indian cultures like from ancient times personalities to modern time personalities. 16) And last but not the least, it shall lay special emphasis on Development where Farmers get due price of their produce, youngsters get employment, country’s forest cover is not eroded any more, Linking of Rivers, setting up of world class institutions across all the states for betterment of everyone, special stress on enhancing healthcare facilities with a view to making critical care accessible to the poorest of poor of the country, electricity and water in every village and very important-development of North east and starting various programmes to inculcate a feeling of being proud indian in our North-East brothers and sisters. Further, govt. must at once set up a special cell to systematically identify Bangladeshi immigrants and sending them back to Bangladesh.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 14:55:03 +0000

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