This is what I believe about water baptism. (And water baptism - TopicsExpress


This is what I believe about water baptism. (And water baptism certainly is not necessary for salvation, as only faith in Jesus as the God-man, crucified and risen Savior is necessary for salvation (1st Corinthians 15:1-4; John 6:47)) --C.S. Water baptism is obsolete (general) posted by Zedinhim “Satan has been very successful in dividing Christians into many factions regarding this one doctrine alone---infant baptism vs. believers only, sprinkling and pouring vs. immersion, in Jesus name vs. in the name of the Trinity, clergy baptizers vs. laymen baptizers, a sacrament vs. an ordinance, and many other variations---and all for nothing---water baptism is obsolete. Questions And Answers To Consider 1. Was John the Baptizer sent to baptize with water? Yes. 2. Why was John the Baptizer sent to baptize with water? To manifest Jesus to Israel (John 1:31). 3. Did John the Baptizer want Jesus to baptize him with water? Yes. 4. Did Jesus refuse to baptize John the Baptizer with water? Yes. 5. Did Christ send Paul to baptize with water? No. (1 Cor. 1:17). 6. When the Twelve were ordained by Jesus as recorded in Mark 3:13-19, did He ordain them to baptize with water? No. They were ordained that He might send them forth to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils. 7. When the Twelve were sent out by Jesus as recorded in Matthew 10:1-15, did He send them out to baptize with water? No. He sent them to preach...heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils. 8. When the Seventy were sent out by Jesus as recorded in Luke 10:1-20 did He send them out to baptize with water? No. 9. When Jesus sends out the Two Witnesses (prophets) during the Great Tribulation will they be sent out to baptize with water? No. They are to prophesy and work miracles. (Rev. 11:3-6). 10. When the 144,000 Jews are saved during the Great Tribulation is there any mention of them being water-baptized? No. 11. In all of Pauls epistles does he give instructions concerning who is to be water-baptized or how they are to be water-baptized or who is qualified to be the baptizer? No. 12. In all of Pauls epistles does he have anything to say about water-baptism? Yes. One, that Christ did not send him to water-baptize, and two, he writes of the heretical baptisms for the dead. 13. In the epistle to the Jewish Christians (Hebrews) was anything mentioned about water baptism? Yes. In chapter 9, verse 10 the writer said that divers washings (baptismos) were imposed until the time of the (Messianic) reformation. 14. In the epistles of Peter, James, John, and Jude is anything mentioned concerning an ordinance of water baptism? No. 15. According to Scripture was the thief on the cross water-baptized after he was saved? No. 16. According to Scripture was Zaccheaus water-baptized after he was saved? No. 17. According to Scripture was the woman at the well water-baptized after she was saved? No. 18. Did Jesus water-baptize or tell anyone else to water-baptize any of the people whom He saved, as recorded in the Gospels? No. 19. How many times is it recorded in the New Testament that John the Baptizer came baptizing with water, but Jesus would baptize with the Holy Ghost? Six. (Mat. 3:11; Mk. 1:8; Lk. 3:16; Jn. 1:26, 31, 33; Acts 1:5; 11:16). 20. In all of Scripture, how many times is it recorded that someone was baptized with water in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost? None. 21. Did Jesus Himself really say, John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost? Yes (Acts 1:5). 22. Is there now two baptisms, water and Spirit? No. There baptism (Eph. 4:5). What does all this mean? It means that many Christians should forsake the false teaching that water baptism is the means of joining a local church or becoming a member of the universal Church. It means that many Christians should forsake the false doctrine that water baptism is necessary for salvation. Many Christians should forsake the idea that water baptism replaced circumcision and that baptizing infants is part of a covenant with God for their salvation. Many Christians should change their identity from Baptist or Anabaptist to simply Christian. Many Christians should forsake their demonic party spirit that the enemy has used to cause division among true brethren in Christ. (Of course, varied doctrines concerning water baptism is only one issue that causes division in the Church.) It means that many who profess to be Christians who teach that one is saved by being water baptized need to repent of their sins and turn to the Way, Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:6). What will happen to many of those who accept the truth that water baptism was a shadow or type of a better, spiritual baptism into Christ? Some will be rejected by the established leaders and religious experts of the day just as Christians were rejected by the chief priests and rulers of the synagogue in the first century. Some will lose family and friends who are trusting in their water baptism for salvation (instead of trusting in Jesus Christ). Variances in beliefs concerning water baptism may be greater than any other doctrine in the Bible. Like the Judaizers who said you need Christ and circumcision, many Christians (and those who profess to be Christians but never have been born again) today are saying, in essence, that the work Jesus did on the Cross is not enough. The enemy tries to diminish the glorious gift of eternal life and the Atonement of Christ by shedding His precious blood and dying for us.” True Christianity embraces unity with the word of God only.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 05:09:56 +0000

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