This is what I discovered nearly three years ago, and this has NOT - TopicsExpress


This is what I discovered nearly three years ago, and this has NOT changed! Wow, look at what is going on!!! The NEED to research Agenda 21 and Codex Alimentarius! It is VITAL to know about these insidious plans to CONTROL the food and water supplies! NZ trying to ban people from growing seedlings! Aus trying to ban over 1000 plants including the native flower and plants like Cloves and Sage, because of DMT! NSW has already done this! Europe has already banned traditional herbal medicine. Europe is trying to control what seedings people can grow! The US has banned certain organic and raw foods! Wake up to the fact that the Governments of the world, in particular the countries that are part of the UN and NATO are being sprayed and controlled far worse than anything shown in George Orwells 1984!! Mansanto the most EVIL company in the world are the creators of Agent Orange, Roundup and Aspartame! Industrial Toxic Waste called Fluoride is in our drinking water. Fluoride is the main ingredient of Prozac! Look up the link between Fracking and Earthquakes!! The unnecessary use of oil for at least one hundred years!! These are huge issues, and are all related!! Just realize that the governments have sprayed people before!! In WWI Mustard Gas was sprayed on the people in Europe and in the Korean and Vietnam Wars Napalm/Agent Orange was sprayed on the people. This is a FACT!! The spray was performed by the military and authorised by the governments via the elite! The thing is, that what happens in the US affects what happens in the rest of the world! As much as Id like to completely blame the government, state and federal, it goes above them! However in saying that, they are NOT innocent in it!! Also look up the Illuminati, The Black Pope, Zionists, and the Khazarian Cabal, and The Jesuits. I have read about a dozen different theories on why they spray. It is one, or is it all of the reasons. Im not sure, but what I do know, for a fact. They are NOT real clouds!! The only thing Ive noticed is whatever spraying we have here, (Aus) it is far worse in the US!!! Also just to note, the bees and insects are dying out!! Birds are dropping out of the sky. Although H.A.A.R.P. and/or J.O.R.N. (Aus version) has something to do with that. Plants and trees are dying too. I cant remember where the link was but I have read and believe that John Howard back in the 1990s sold the air space to the UN!! When Bligh was the QLD premier she signed agreements with Thailand for Geo Engineering Cloud Seeding. This was done BEFORE the big flood in January 2011. I dont know which to believe but these are the reasons suggested!! Just because I am naming them does NOT mean I believe all of these suggestions! Depopulation of 90% of the planet. See the Georgia Guidestones!! Terra forming of the planet for ETs. Yeah I know this sounds nuts! Using nanotechnology to transform humans! Making people sick with viruses, ie the bird flu, or with Morgellons, a brand new man made created disease!! Preventing humanitys DNA activation by blocking out the sun and its healing abilities. Weather manipulation to control tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. (ie Haiti, Christchurch, and Japan!!!) Destroying the plants, the crops, so Mansanto can sell us their poisoned GMOs that are Aluminum resistant!! Putting particles in the sky to make H.A.A.R.P more affective! Putting particles in the sky to create a giant screen to use for Project Blue Beam. Putting particles in the sky to block out the sun, so we do not get enough vitamin D!! Putting particles in the sky to make the ELF waves more affective with the Scalar technology. Research Nikola Tesla! My conclusion for the Geo Engineered Chemtrails being sprayed is for the use of scalar technology and possibly even terra forming. Although that makes no sense whatsoever, however they are destroying the environment, and trying to blame the average person for it! When it is the elite, governments, and the military doing the destroying! :/ All of these reasons ARE NOT for the betterment of humanity, but for helping the rich Elite, the 1% keep control of the remaining 99%, the useless eaters which is what they call us! From what I have researched the current intensified spraying goes back to at least 1996, and maybe even 1986, and possibly even to the 1950s, and even to WWII!! Good Grief!! Remember the Mustard Gas! I think that they have done subtle sprays over the years, for their own research and to get us used to it!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 15:51:21 +0000

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