This is what I find interesting about some cops. I get arrested - TopicsExpress


This is what I find interesting about some cops. I get arrested for making a joke about my identity but they do this when you ask them for their ID. This videographer was brave! He gave us alot of insight on a situation that most of us never get to see. My phone was dead at the time of my arrest becuase I was working all day. Following beautiful women around is not easy but I have a thing for beautiful women I cant help it. Kill me right?! Ill have you know that exercising your rights with a camera recording is a completely different ball game. One that you dont want to lose. Every word spoken is crucial for survival. Good thing all this meditation payed off. To survive a police encounter with a bad cop you need to have a lot of presence. This is basically because police are trained in making a person incriminate themselves if the cop doesnt like them for any reason. Its like Houdini being droped into water inside a coffin wrapped around with chains and escaping before you run out of breath. My problem is Nobody is watching right now. These are people with guns. Notice the two officers who came after from a different dept acted completely different. If there is gun control what kind of control do we have on our guns if people like that carry guns? For anyone to carry a gun is a huge responsibility. More for the people who dont carry guns. We should be informed on police. People will gladly watch them for you if you paid them. Hire a videographer you like to follow you around instead of paying taxes to people who abuse you. It would be a great job for me and my photographer friends. This is better then cameras on the cops beacuse its cameras from the third person perspective which would belong to the people. This would abolish current crime. There will always be crime to solve. We must be aware that crime evolves with us and takes different forms over time. Police are held to the highest standard. There judgement should be near perfect so we the people must hold them accountable to that if we value our lives. They are only a representation of what we allow them to be. So recoding them shouldnt be illegal. People have to do more than demand to record. We have to record on our own. Our own personal perspective. We are constantly doing that anyway. Might as well do it for a good cause. If you see injustie upload it. Put it on to my page if youd like. By bringing awareness to bad cops we can make better cops or reduce the need to have cops in the first place. We havent fixed bully issues.... Shouldnt life be lived? We are all gonna die some day why speed up the process and kill ourselves so early? No need for killing....ever. self-defense means we all want to live. Recording police is a peaceful form of self defense. The art of fighting without fighting. Making that illegal makes you vulnerable to attack. Like a surfer to a shark while hes bleeding from his ankle. Thing is shark attacks are less likely to happen than police brutality and abuse of power.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 07:10:51 +0000

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