This is what I have learned from having my old dog spend Saturday - TopicsExpress


This is what I have learned from having my old dog spend Saturday night to Monday afternoon in Dog Jail: 1) They NEVER checked for a tattoo. He is tattooed on his belly because the breeds with hairy ears inside are tattooed this way. He is not chipped because the vet recommended against it and said all Pounds and Shelters check for tattoos. They did scan for a chip. His tattoo was done at the vet’s in Barrhead, had they been contacted, they would have contacted his breeder and she knows me. The Mayerthorpe vet has his tattoo number in his file. The CKC has his tattoo registered to me. He should have been identified and returned with ease. I have paid the County fee to be a Registered Breeder of CKC Rough Collies and they have even inspected my kennels, in Greencourt (all of about 25 homes here). I can see why they were not able to identify him. He would have been euthanized within a short period. 2) I called LSA County on Sunday and left a message asking them to please check if he was at their Pound, and they open at 8:30am. No one called or checked. I called around 11 am and was given the name of the Animal Control Officer. I called him and was told that someone had called in a complaint about a dog matching mine, but they DID NOT have him. My kid’s went to her house and she said she watched him get into the Officer’s truck. I called him, got voice mail, left a message and never heard from him. I called the other Officer back, got voice mail… Then I called the County and heard from the 1st Officer about an hour later, who told me that he was there. 3) My dog spent the time in their Pound at Darwell. His cage was not much bigger than his crate. He was soaking wet when I got there because his cage had been hosed out, obviously with him in it. He had a very big bowl of dog food and a pail of water. My dog has been a mud/clay soaked mess before, he has gone 2-3 months without a bath (he is mostly an outside dog) but he has never looked or smelled this bad. He reeked of urine and feces, so he was left to lay in his own urine & feces. He was so bad that we drove home with the windows open and I will need to steam clean my carpet in my truck. I spent over an hour just bathing him, first with 50/50 Dawn/Vinegar and diluted with water, then dog shampoo and then conditioner. It cost me $20/day to have him “cared for” in there. Pretty sure that he was just stuck in there, with food and water and left there by himself that majority of the time. 4) The Officer told me he was really glad that I was picking him, because he said most people never come to get their animals. I have to say, that despite the condition my dog was in (obvious he tried to clean him up for me), my old dog really did like him but was very happy to be going home. People you NEED to contact the County and follow up, if your pet is missing. If I had gone on what I was first told, my dog would be euthanized. I am going to suggest to LSA County that they implement a check list that MUST include checking ears and abdomen for tattoos, and in the case of an obvious purebred, checking to see if there is a breeder close by and getting kennels with at least paper in them for the dogs to go to the bathroom on.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 03:10:53 +0000

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