This is what I really despise about movies and documentaries that - TopicsExpress


This is what I really despise about movies and documentaries that glorify war,.... making an entertainment event out of war. Yes,.....dont miss it, come and see through the eyes of a sniper,.... see the battlefield up close and personal,..... behind the safety of your movie theater screen or big screen TV,.... we dont feel any of the shrapnel,..... the bullets,.....bayonets or bombs,.... the white phosphorus, ..... ooooh looks pretty like snow,... we dont get blood splattered from behind our TV screens do we, and its very hard to hear the horrible cries of children and women wailing in pain because their limbs have just been blown off,...... because of course that part has been skillfully and creatively edited out, because its too graphic and upsetting and we have to glorify war,..... not show you what the true realities are. Yes and,...... oops wait,.... see the blood and guts strewn a midst the burned out rubble of what was once their homes,...after the commercial break,... where Dennys will appeal to your thrift its kids eat free Tuesday now back to the carnage. Look at the tremendous skill the sniper prossesses to kill people indiscriminately from afar, its magical almost how he can do that,........he asks no questions,..... to execute such orders to kill,.... he needs no personal justification,.... no he just numbingly accepts being there based on fabricated lies for big business and powerful industrialized and commercial interests,....... good Lord help us. When oh when are the American people ever going to wake up to the stupid and illegal wars our government embroils us in,.... everybody hates Barack Obama,.... but we all stand in full support of the illegal wars were fighting in, and yes they are illegal. GOD forbid you say like myself you dont support the military or the illegal wars,...... well you just committed Harakiri in the eyes of almost everyone you know and will be harangued out of our society tooth sweet,.... as an unpatriotic troublemaker. I will stand with my convictions based on the truth and I challenge anybody out there,..... ANYBODY to show me where Im wrong. And I guarantee you this,..... there will be not one single taker of that challenge. And why wont that be any challenges, because most people have been medicated and lulled into a sense of numbness,....disregard and apathy for the very most important things concerning their own lives. They would rather ignore having to ask the hard questions, taking the time to critically think things through based on the answers to those hard questions they could ask. For most,.... truth takes them far far far out of their comfort zone and what they perceive to be their perfect little world. They understand what they believe to be truths that are presented to them and they want nothing to do with anything that might tear the down the version of the truth that makes them happy end justifies and validates their world view. So the excuses start to come out of the woodwork like : Im only one person what can I do or Im too busy,..... how about the refusal to acknowledge whats going on right before your very eyes,..... in exchange for the comfort a need jerk, blind patriotism offers them to feel good about their lack of genuine and courageous concern. So long as they can watch a movie, march in a parade, wave a flag, eat a hot dog, or sing a patriotic national anthem theyre good to go. So long as that remains the status quo, people in general will be willing to coexist we still illegal wars and corrupt presidents and Congress s, bankers and Coporations,..... you will no choices at elections and on and on and on
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 03:38:51 +0000

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