This is what Trees are grown 4...... ta make paper 4 carpet - TopicsExpress


This is what Trees are grown 4...... ta make paper 4 carpet baggers What does it take to get this paper to quit throwing there advertiser on your property?? I have called Appeal Democrat four times to stop throwing their advertiser on my property. I have been verbally threatened two times by their delivery personal, on two different occasions. Each time I called, they reassure me it will stop and never happen again, but it never ends. Three years ago I asked one of their delivery people to stop throwing the paper on my lawn and his reply he had a right to do so. Two weeks ago, their delivery personal (female) while delivery threw a paper on my property and realized that myself and all adjacent neighbors and one across the street had called Appeal Democrat and requested we did not want their advertiser thrown on our properties. Moreover, she backed up leaving black tire marks in my driveway then stopped and proceeded to pick up the paper she had thrown onto my driveway. When I approached her car, she became conformational and threatened me that she was going to return with her brother and beat me up! I responded by telling her to bring it on. She slammed on her brakes and got out of the car and she was going to do it herself. She swung at me, but pulled back and did not strike me. Two of my neighbors, one neighbor adjacent North and the other across the street witnessed the whole account. I was going to let this incident drop until I got home Wednesday evening and believe it or not another advisor was seating in my drive way when I got home from that days work. I am seriously thinking about going down and filing a violence complaint against Appeal Democrat for physically aggressive behavior. Furthermore, this same Appeal Democrat employee or Sub Contractor was driving throwing papers around 5 pm and with school out children all up and down the street and she was driving in a fast-reckless manner. If a local policemen would have been present I am positive she would have received a ticket for reckless driving. What a peace of work you are Appeal Democrat, what does it take?? fckin dip sticks........... runnin out of patients with these fools unhappy trails jeff duffin
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 02:04:35 +0000

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