This is what all of Obamas deceptions are about, the NAU is part - TopicsExpress


This is what all of Obamas deceptions are about, the NAU is part of a global scheme to create 10 sectors or Kingdoms around the world which is the NWO. Once all these kingdoms are in place they will be appointed a king over each sector. This is the 10 kingdoms of Daniel and Revelations. The beast rises out of these 10 kingdoms. So far they have established the European Union, the African Union, the Asian Union, the South American Union, the Arab Union, and others. Obamas inaction on the border is part of a globalist plan which is unfolding before our eyes. We will never have closed borders. You can bet on it. The NWO knows Americans will resist and are willing to destroy this country to create this NAU. They are setting the stage for the final blow to our economy, our military, and our way of life. Islam is just a tool the globalists are using for that purpose. Ultimately they will be destroyed. The globalist plan for the middle east is to pit Islam against Israel for their mutual destruction, however their plans will be thwarted by God himself. Ezekiel 38, 39 sp2aks of a man called Gog who will, along with many Muslim nations, to come against Israel but God will intervene and will cause the mountans to shake and will destroy 5/6 of the populations of Russia, Iran, Syria, and a host of other muslim countries. Islam will be destroyed. However, in the process this conflict will go global. I venture to say that the world will catch fire. Another point of interest is that since the US has abandoned Israel they must go it alone against Hama, Palestinians, and ISIS. Israel will ultimately destroy all of them utterly. In the process Israel will take ALL the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 13:28:54 +0000

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