This is what happens to most humans. Most people live and feed on - TopicsExpress


This is what happens to most humans. Most people live and feed on the local and global public mind which is created and maintained by low vibrational energies of guilt and fear. The public mind is fed by the media whose purpose is to lock up your minds attention to expect and depend on more of the predominantly fearful news they sell and also give away for free. That culture then robs you of your ability to be grateful for what you have, who you are and what you have achieved. That in turn sets in the tendency to forget about how unique, wonderful and a great genius you are and the greater things you are looking forward to. You mostly are captured by guilt of the little failures you had when you just started out rather than the great performances you are delivering now so you only consciously fear of failures even though every one you know shower praises for the greatness of your work and contributions. This can all stop if you purpose to stop finding excuses to read the daily news papers, stop listening to the news and start writing down only all the wonderful things happening in your life and those you are looking forward to on paper and read them back to your self a few times every morning when you wake up from bed and a few times every night before you go to bed. This is the most powerful fomula for building up that energy called faith, and for achieving any goals consistently. Gratitude and appreciation are different sides of a great and powerful energy which is higher on the vibrational scale than even love. It is gratitude for what you already are and have that brings the new experiences that you are praying for which is instantly created in the unseen microwave form the moment you ask for, into the physical world that you see. Just look at exactly what happens to your desires and prayer requests and many other peoples in the unseen energy world in this video. Jesus said that those who dont appreciate what they have will lose the little they have to those who have and are grateful for. Enjoy and use your new information as an experiment and keep doing it until your greatness shows up if it is true for you.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:11:41 +0000

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