This is what is really on my mind lately.. and why i am leaving - TopicsExpress


This is what is really on my mind lately.. and why i am leaving the U.S. asap. With things like what is going on with Barret Brown, Wikileaks, the Manning trial and now Edward Snowden... I have little hope that the US govt. is not on a fascist course much worse than was ever seen in pre WWII nazi germany. after releasing the original DRE report seen here : I was faced with a year in jail 3 days after releasing the video on my website, for a probation violation 3 years prior to this in which i was originally arrested for blowing a .08 while sleeping in the passenger seat of my car.. I had done nothing wrong, and received a letter 3 days after releasing this video that i was going to be facing a year in jail. Several months later (after beating the probation violation), my car was stolen 2 days after i spoke out at a minneapolis city council meeting about eliminating the civilian review authority over the minneapolis police... a group that had ZERO authority to influence real change, but was able to make public certain details of what evils the police are and were involved in, including the DRE program. The interesting part of my car being stolen is that i had to give my address before speaking at the city council meeting, and the night before my car was stolen, there was a traffic cop who stopped by 2 times in an hour and searched my car from the outside with a flashlight. (it was parked right in front of the address i had given at the city council meeting). The car was found a day later, undamaged, something i am told is unheard of in terms of real case statistics.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 06:41:19 +0000

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