This is what liberalism has done to your minds over decades and - TopicsExpress


This is what liberalism has done to your minds over decades and decades, generation after generation, for thousands of years they keep teaching wrong is right. Satan was the first liberal. He brainwashed Eve in the garden of Eden... and Eve convinced Adam and destroyed their chance to live in a paradise. Think about it... Now this world is full of evil everywhere and anywhere you look. You may not see it if you are young but after 60 years of living I see it as plain as day and there is nothing, nothing good left in this world. I do believe we are an evil generation and our only hope is the fear of God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ... God gave us the right to choose so like God I am pro freedom of choice, but with every choice there will be consequences and judgment, no doubt about it! Its the age old struggle of good and evil. You have the freedom to choose to murder, steel, or commit any crime, but you will be judged and convicted, but Gods punishment is eternal damnation for those who do not repent and especially for those who spread the lies and cause people to sin. And Im talking to the churches and preachers out there especially. Be careful what you peach and be sure every word is from God, not just your finite opinion. You will be judged the most for so many divisions among His Church from teaching and preaching false doctrines. Dont be fooled by the wolves in sheeps clothing! Liberalism is not a mental disorder. It is a very cunning conspiracy that has been working for thousands of years in order to capture your trust so that the evil one, Satan, may take every last one of us with him into the pits of Hell where he knows he is going. You may think the Bible is a fairy tale, but thats exactly what liberalism has indoctrinated you to think. Christianity is the only thing left standing in the way of U.N. Liberal plot to take this country into the New World Order and The One World Religion. Then starts the horrors of the great Tribulation where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth for those who are left behind. If this doesnt shock you, you are already lost to the liberalists agenda to destroy you as well as this world we live in. Wake up! Like and share it!
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 06:34:29 +0000

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