This is what many Rohingya women in and recently from Rakhine - TopicsExpress


This is what many Rohingya women in and recently from Rakhine State have been telling me for 8+ years. For 2 ½ years, we Rohingya have been hearing the world praise and reward President Thein Sein for his Democratic Reforms at the same he is presiding over the final phase of Rohingya destruction. Rather than reform, we Rohingya see the same national rulers, government and security forces inhumane policies and violence. Decades ago the military dictatorship started by restricting our movements and taking away our businesses. • As restrictions grew so did the security force violence used to enforce their restrictions • Gradually violence alone has served the rulers purpose… • killing, torture, rape…. We have been living in a state of fear After the rulers 1978 mass violence against us They took away our citizenship… • which increased their stranglehold and violence toward us. Their 1991 mass violence against us scared any fighting back out of us. Those of us who have stayed do anything to avoid their beatings, torture, rape and killing. Security Force’s Rape is widespread and • has created a prison for us women We woman are forced to stay inside our homes where we are the safest. That is why …Our girls rarely go to high school, if they go to school at all. Our fathers and brothers are not always around to escort us the long distance to school. Our fathers and brothers bear the brunt of the brutal violence in trying to provide and protect us. • The men are targets of arrest, torture, killing and beatings. • So many of our young boys have seen and experienced violence that has stripped them of their innocent smiles. There were Ethnic Rakhine Buddhists who would discriminate and some with violence but our state of fear was of the national government forces. • Many Rakhine were our friends and family. Since June 2012, there is so much more violence.. World News says we were burned out of our homes • NO! We were killed out of them… • I will always remember helping my small children escape being killed as I turned to see my mother hacked to death in our doorway. The June 2012 mass violence against us never stopped…. One week after starting • As the EU leader congratulated President Thein Sein for bringing peace Rakhin State , mass security force killings, rapes and arrests with disappearances were happening day and night in Maungdaw Township were most Rohingya live • nightly truckloads of dead Rohingya were transferred from Maungdaw Police Station to Myanmar Police Force camps mass graves…our boys snuck out and saw this. • In Sittwe, military dumped a truck load of dead Rohingya men women and children in a Rohingya IDP camp. Soon The West dropped sanctions against Burma’s government for reforms that brought more Rohingya death and suffering. What is new is many Rakhine Buddhists are helping… • but they are not leading and most violence is still the security forces..the security forces have machines guns and use them…. • it is still the same old security forces killings, torturing, raping and beating. Men and boys are targets of the violence but Women and girls are not spared. We are killed, raped and tortured, too. • Police burned 5 Rohingya women’s genitals after they witnessed police set their Maungdaw village on fire. The women then said Rohingya set the fire but the women are still in jail. We are being killed and slowly dying by government blocking us providing for ourselves or food and healthcare relief that has helped us where the government hurts us. No one protects us. The government that is supposed to protect us made us stateless and is destroying us • Does the world realize this when they demand the our destroyers protect and give us citizenship? • So the National Government is addressing out citizenship by destroying us.. The Government has called us Bengali • …first to make the rest of people in Burma hate and fear us by thinking that we invaded and took land with the colonial British • ….now the same government people say we are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh invading to violently spread Islam • Too many people in Burma believe the Government vilification of us as Bengali The government’s program demands that we all register as Bengali to get citizenship • we have to drop our Rohingya identity and accept the Government’s Bengali label The same name that evokes fear, hatred and violence toward us. Many of our legal documents were lost in the mass violence, arson, theft and our escape. So we cannot prove that we and our ancestors are from Rakhine Burma. A few Rohingya have applied and even fewer have been given citizenship…as Bengali • Most have the least free citizenship rank, which can be pulled by the government at any time. • The 40 that received full citizenship had to pay much money… • the government says they are not free to move yet. • Many Rakhine, Burmese and leaders say they will not tolerate Benglai’s in Burma Most Rohihngya have refused to register⇒and national security forces have killed, beaten, raped and torture and blockaded or destroyed entire villages July 2012 President Thein said that Bengalis, meaning Rohingya, should be sent to a third country or UNHCR camps… And that is the plan for Rohingya who refuse to register and for those turned down for citizenship. UN officials and US State Department applauds this whole program We are suffering as we slowly die in body and spirit. If the World will not protect us…please drop a bomb and quickly end our misery.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:45:06 +0000

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