This is what we need godly preachers and godly Christians who - TopicsExpress


This is what we need godly preachers and godly Christians who preach the truth-not preachers who look like New York Models on magazine covers who sweet talk you with a sugar-coated message that never preaches repentance and refrains from preaching the God is holy and wants us to walk in holiness.I believe the churches are full of sin and not filled with the Holy Spirit.They are full of carnal entertainment but not full of people who have a passion for Truth.The church is so worldly you cannot see a radical difference between the world and the modern church.They do not preach Christ and Him crucified ! We hear nothing about the shed blood of the Lamb of God who died a horrible bloody death as our sin substitute so we could be forgiven and set free from the bondage of sin. Thank God for the remnant who walk on the Narrow Road that leads to life ! Yes we fear the Lord which means we will hate sin as seen in Proverbs 8:13 but as we fear and reverence the Lord it will cause us not to fear anything that would try to muzzle us and stop us from speaking the Truth.Many today play games with sin and do not fear what sin is doing to them.Many fear offending people and therefore do not preach the Truth that cuts and heals.Yes we speak the Truth in love because we know it sets people free but we dare not modify the Truth because a half -Truth is not the full Truth and then becomes error.As Wesley said we should fear sin and desire nothing but God. But many are telling us to set of affections on earthly things and have created a false gospel of self-gratification instead of denying self ,picking up the Cross and following Jesus. Brother David Cooke.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:44:31 +0000

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