This is what will happen when you fail to obey any and every petty - TopicsExpress


This is what will happen when you fail to obey any and every petty little rule of Cain!! Micah EliYah One thing we, as a people, must understand - whether we white, black, or green - is that any police dept. is a corporation; and that the officers that we all deal with on the streets are nothing more than corporate agents/employees. They are pressed by their upper management to meet a quota of frisks and searches. Now, while this IN NO WAY justifies what theyre doing to us and our kids, we must understand that this is why they are becoming exceedingly vigorous and vicious in their tactics. REMEMBER THIS: HE WHO FAILS TO ASSERT HIS RIGHTS DOES NOT HAVE ANY. We have a right to NOT be harassed and coerced into conducting business with these fraudulent agents. THEY ARE NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT! THEY ARE POLICY ENFORCERS!! HENCE THE NAME POLICE! #1 NEVER carry ID or personal documentation: you are NOT obligated to CONTRACT with these agents. If they forcibly search you against your will (do not resist) and find ID or personal documents, they will use it to fine or bring charges against you. #2 PUT THEM ON NOTICE: never be afraid to speak. Tell them that you do not consent to this encounter, do not content to ANY searches or seizures. Immediately ask Am I detained, or am I free to go? If they ask you a question REPEAT YOURSELF. A detainment is an arrest, regardless what they lie to you (check your legal dictionaries). If they say you are detained, ask Under what reasonable suspicion? What CRIME do you suspect me of committing? You see, you must realize that they are recording you (also put them on notice that you dont consent to being recorded) and everything you shy becomes apart of a public record. #3 THEY ARE PUBLIC SERVANTS. Youre THEIR boss and when then cross the line its up to us to hold them liable. You CAN cause an officer to lose his/her job for official misconduct, but that takes knowledge of private adjudication (private court process). #4 THEY WONT TEACH US THIS STUFF. They know that knowledge is power and if we study their system and policies and realize that IT REQUIRES CONSENT, their whole operation will crumble. Get a legal dictionary and start looking up words. Their secret language redefines English words we use everyday. Its called LEGALESE. #5 YOU ARE A CEO. When you realize that your name is actually your corporation, it becomes apparent and obvious that you are the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, AND CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER of that corporation; and as such, you are not obligated to produce any personal information to any agency unless you choose to. I could go on and on, but what you must internalize is that its all contracts. They want to contract with you to make the state or city some money: cops, lawyers, judges, etc.. They are not just and theyre not doing justice. ANY CONTRACT THATS ENTERED INTO UNDER THREAT, DURESS, AND/OR COERCION IS NULL AND VOID. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS AND DONT BE AFRAID TO SPEAK UP. Shalom
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:59:00 +0000

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