This is what your congress did yesterday,...... 1 . RETIREMENT OF - TopicsExpress


This is what your congress did yesterday,...... 1 . RETIREMENT OF POLICE OFFICER JOHN D. COOPER -- HON. JOHN GARAMENDI (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 2 . IN MEMORY OF FRED ESMOND -- HON. ADAM KINZINGER (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 3 . CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 4 . HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH HONOREES -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 5 . INTRODUCING THE DEBT LIMIT REFORM ACT -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 6 . PERSONAL EXPLANATION -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 7 . PERSONAL EXPLANATION -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 8 . HONORING JIM MURAKAMI OF SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 9 . HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 10 . OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL DEBT -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 11 . HONORING CECILIA CASSIDY -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 12 . A TRIBUTE TO WELCOMEÐ WILSON, SR. -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 13 . PERSONAL EXPLANATION -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 14 . FOURTH U.S. POW DELEGATION TO JAPAN, OCTOBER 13-21, 2013 -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 15 . CONGRATULATING THE MINNESOTA LYNX -- (Extensions of Remarks - October 15, 2013) 16 . The House met at 10 a.m. and was called to order by the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. Huizenga of Michigan). -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 17 . DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 18 . MORNING-HOUR DEBATE -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 19 . LOOK FOR AREAS OF POTENTIAL AGREEMENT -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 20 . THE TIME FOR SOLUTIONS IS NOW -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 21 . THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWNS HUMAN CONSEQUENCES -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 22 . DEFICIT SPENDING AND THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 23 . THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN AND HEAD START -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 24 . A BATTLE FOR THE ECONOMIC SURVIVAL OF THIS NATION -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 25 . THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN AND POTENTIAL DEFAULT -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 26 . REOPEN THE GOVERNMENT AND PAY OUR COUNTRYS DEBTS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 27 . LET US VOTE -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 28 . RECESS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 29 . AFTER RECESS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 30 . PRAYER -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 31 . THE JOURNAL -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 32 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 33 . ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 34 . LEGISLATIVE PROCESS IS CRUCIAL TO REOPEN GOVERNMENTS DOORS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 35 . STAND UP TO THE EXTREMISTS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 36 . CONFEDERATE FLAG RALLY -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 37 . LETS DEAL WITH OUR DEBT AND OUR DEFICIT -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 38 . LETS OPEN THE GOVERNMENT -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 39 . LETS COME TOGETHER TO RESOLVE THE DEBT -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 40 . PUT THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 41 . DEBT CEILING -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 42 . BAN THE BOMB -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 43 . TIME FOR SOLUTIONS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 44 . TRANSPORTATION SAFETY ISSUES -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 45 . GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 46 . IMPACT OF SHUTDOWN ON EVERYDAY LIVES -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 47 . REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 48 . RECKLESS GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN MUST END -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 49 . END GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 50 . A LETTER FROM A CONSTITUENT -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 51 . DOING THE RIGHT THING -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 52 . DOING WHAT IS IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THIS GREAT COUNTRY -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 53 . GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 54 . RECESS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 55 . AFTER RECESS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 56 . RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND THE WORKFORCE -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 57 . THE JOURNAL -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 58 . LEAVE OF ABSENCE -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 59 . ADJOURNMENT -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 60 . EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 61 . PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 62 . CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY STATEMENT -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 63 . ADDITIONAL SPONSORS -- (House of Representatives - October 15, 2013) 64 . The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was called to order by the President pro tempore (Mr. LEAHY). -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 65 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 66 . RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 67 . DEFAULT PREVENTION ACT OF 2013--MOTION TO PROCEED -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 68 . RECESS -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 69 . DEFAULT PREVENTION ACT OF 2013--MOTION TO PROCEED--Continued -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 70 . MORNING BUSINESS -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 71 . TRIBUTE TO PALMER DePAULIS -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 72 . REMEMBERING ADMIRAL TAZEWELL T. SHEPARD, JR. -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 73 . MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 74 . MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 75 . INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 76 . ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 77 . AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO MEET -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 78 . MEASURE READ THE FIRST TIME--H.J. RES. 80 -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 79 . ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2013 -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 80 . ADJOURNMENT UNTIL TOMORROW -- (Senate - October 15, 2013) 81 . Daily Digest - Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 04:08:58 +0000

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