This is where I am at: Dreaming of having a child, but having - TopicsExpress


This is where I am at: Dreaming of having a child, but having lost two, my mom was given Diethylstilbestrol (DES), the growth hormone farmers have implanted in millions of cows. Moms hormone treatment lasted six months during pregnancy. I was born with precancerous cells on my cervix, in the uterus and halfway through the vagina. At 18 these had developed to stage III cancer. I had just started university. Had been vegetarian since the age of nine, hated milk, and ate almost completely raw for a while - until I moved to a student mansion. I was in pain most of the time and started to care less. Doctors related the pain to DES, one operated to look inside, another removed a cyst, yet another kept me in hospital completely drugged. MDs specialized in DES took pictures and invited students to watch. It never got cured by doctors, my body just took care of it. Years later pap smears were normal. I was still in pain. Rushed to the hospital tens of times, on each occasion sent home with a pink paper that said: IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Operated on again, twice. Another cyst removed, a surgical mistake led to internal bleeding. I learned that cysts disappear naturally. At 39 I rushed myself to the hospital, hours before my large intestine was about to burst under pressure and leak. I didnt know yet that I was one in a million born with a very long large intestine, loose, moving around like a snake, but now tied like a knot. A surgeon from Curacao who had worked in South Africa had seen two patients there with a similar condition. They both died. He removed 70 cm of my large intestine. Needed four operations. I was told I would have a stoma by now. I dont. I dont use any medication and dont have any problems. At my age, 47, I am at high risk of breast cancer, because of DES. So does my mother, 79. She had a mammogram once, said it was torture, and refused ever since. I refuse ever getting one. I was told, since the first hospital visits at 16, that I would not be able to get pregnant. At 41 I did. But he or she died inside of me. Happens a lot in DES-patients, the gynecologist said. Sometimes I find peace in knowing that this child was spared from coming into this cruel world. Sometimes I dont. All of the above would not have happened if humans respected nature, listened to their hearts and followed their instincts. Maybe people only learn from their own experience. I hope not. Hope more, many more people say: Enough! No more. It stops with me.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 19:49:03 +0000

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