This is why I excused myself from the village. Everyone talking - TopicsExpress


This is why I excused myself from the village. Everyone talking crap about everyone.. Tried to be a friend to everyone that I came in contact with, cause I was raised to show my respect. Even If these people didnt show the same respect to me. All these people who are all for thank you Lord or IDC what people think Then the first to open the mouth about how someone lives their life so wrong. Just because someone doesnt live HOW you want. Or you dont agree with the way they live, for lack of better words, They get the shit end of the stick. If you really dont care, stop trying to ruin others lives. Let people live happily without causing chaos in their life. Some people actually try to learn from their mistakes and dont need the remembrance of past failures FYI , this is not pointed directly at anyone. Just saying, sometimes , its better to let go then to hold a grudge on someone. While they are living their life while you are still dwelling ON THEIR PAST. And I think on both sides of every situation , we can all learn from the problems we come to face.. I have seen facebook become a gateway to bullying more then it has been to connect with friends. Take some time to walk in the other persons shoes. Rather then to jump to conclusions and judge the person.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 05:52:48 +0000

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