“This is why I want him dead. For all the pain he has caused. - TopicsExpress


“This is why I want him dead. For all the pain he has caused. For my mother, for myself, for the city that would become mine after his death. For those people that I am sworn to protect.” Bran looked older now, his jaw hard with the stubbornness that showed quite plainly on his face. He was tough, this boy who had been through so much at such a young age. Maybe even tougher than her. Ari smiled at him, admiring his will to save a city of people that probably thought he was dead. A city of people who had never once risen against the king, not even to save their own lives. She wondered if this is what Bran would look like, years after she had left. Would he be older, but still strong, determined to do the right thing, even if he got hurt in the end? She wanted to be brave like Bran, like the boy who kept fighting even though he was sick with fever and outcast from his home. Brave like the boy who had lost everything, but had never given up. She had people to avenge too. The guard who had let her into the city at night. Dafydd, and Gareth, who have saved Cafall, given her shelter, and provisioned her. They had suffered and died because of the kindness they had shown her. Ari’s fists clenched as she looked at the boy before her. He had suffered too. Ki, and even Cafall had suffered thanks to the ruined kingdom this place had become. There was only one thing left for her to do. She was a Traveler, and she had been brought to this world for a reason. She would see her job done, no matter the cost. She would see these people free of their suffering, she would see justice served, and she would see this world put to rights again. In the end she would leave. There wasn’t a choice. But Ari would set things right, before the end.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 19:43:43 +0000

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