This is why Islam/Muslim, must be destroyed! People, wake - TopicsExpress


This is why Islam/Muslim, must be destroyed! People, wake up! WASHINGTON – A radical jihadist group responsible for nearly 50 attacks on American soil is operating 35 terrorist training camps across the nation. Stage 1 of Islam is stealth jihad. When a Muslim population is outnumbered, they are taught by Mohammed to move into a society and get along, have a lot of babies, and integrate themselves peacefully into the society. Coexist. Call for tolerance in public, but for violence in private. Use taqiyah to lie for Allah. Pretend victimhood. (i.e. Homophobia) Get “privileged status.” ( TSA, DMV, Internet, media, etc.) Seek special privileges. Stage 2 of Islam is defensive jihad. When there are enough Muslims and resources to defend themselves, they are called to engage in defensive jihad with unbelievers, terrorize enemies, and murder critics who pose physical or intellectual threats. Persecution is worse than killing. Assassinate critics of Islam. Physical violence and terrorism. Stage 3 of Islam is offensive jihad. When Muslims establish a majority and establish political power in an area, they violently subjugate all non-Muslims, strive to expand their political dominion, and rid the land of all non-Muslims. The message of the Qu’ran changes into it’s third phase. “Strive hard against the unbelievers…fight (them) Sura 9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allah…until they pay jizya (tax paid by non-Muslims)..” Basically, a non-Muslim in this phase has three choices, 1) convert to Islam 2) Pay Jizya to co-exist 3) Be killed. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, etc. are in Stage 3, some areas in Africa and Europe are in Stage 2, America is in the beginning of Stage 2.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:16:10 +0000

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