This is why we as civilians NEED to begin speaking to those we - TopicsExpress


This is why we as civilians NEED to begin speaking to those we know who are Cops.. they are being used like hookers to hustle us all.. They are over worked and underpaid and kept at stress levels that make being a cop extremely stressful .. they are brain washed from the time of their initiation by the boot camp .. then they are placed under the supervision of cops w/known records of breaking the laws to protect their own(the blue code) and that is NOT NEW.. there are generations of cops who justify KNOWINGLY Breaking the law to circumvent many laws that hamper their ability to do their Jobs and understandably so.. Lawyers/Judges/Bondsmen & all who make a living off law enforcement break it daily.. the Law is designed to divide this nation NOT Hold it together .. These laws are there for that precise reason.. to DIVIDE Public servants against the people they serve.. IF you become a cop and show compassion or Loyalty to Justice you are stigmatized by those w/many years of service as too idealistic or even attacked as being on the wrong side.. this mentality is driven into them from the time they sign up.. many GOOD Men become cops Hoping to change this system of DIVISION of our own civil servants against us.. Many of these good cops manage to remain within this system and often do things that deserve Hero status but they are not the rule by a long shot .. Bottom line is we need to find ways to fix what is BROKEN.. Civilian Cop relations are at an all time LOW and this is by design of those who seek our destruction and all by Laws.. this is no accident and is intentionally designed to keep cops and civilians Divided and its working..Police Departments across america have been Militarized as they are gearing up to bring the hammer down and soon.. lets all do our part to Bridge the divide.. they are just like us and should not be treated like the enemy but like you would want to be treated.. I could have went through that check point unabated because I worked w/cops for years.. Most of them are just like you.. they want to be treated w/respect & common decency and often by simply leveling w/a cop and being up front you will get a lot better reception than you will citing the law to them.. they have to break it daily to do their Jobs because of the law.. Cant ya see.. those who seek our destruction dont care if it is right or wrong so long as we remain divided by anything.. just my opinion But one you would all do well to adopt.. stop playing Lawyer w/Cops as it will eventually end bad.. We all need to learn how to speak to a cop so that we make them recognize us as their fellow man & NOT a Foe or adversary and I KNOW it aint easy but we gotta start somewhere.. my 2 cents and a quarter.. ;)
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:35:19 +0000

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