This is worth taking the time to watch. Gabor Mate, creates a - TopicsExpress


This is worth taking the time to watch. Gabor Mate, creates a picturesque overview, of a connective biological kenisietic physiology in a succinct explanation towards understanding an organic body brain unity. I loved this particular lecture, it spoke to me on so many levels. I entered a path of exploration into Martial Arts a few years back, because of my interest in Systema, which seemed a key to unlocking my potential to be more authentic and less afraid. Gabor Mate, in his speech here, gives me not just a window to look into the reasoning behind what I experienced then as only a gut feeling. I was trying to get at the root of what was driving me in my life and came upon the feeling that, what I was really seeking, was the ability to no longer be so fearful. I was always charged and ready for battle and I realized I longed to replace what I observed as this energetic hum, a constant state of alert, with a genuine authentic self that was present and able to more conscoiusly determine where an alert was actually necessary and where it might actually be a false alarm that I forgot how to turn off and now was just always buzzing, buzzing so long that I learned to tune it out but it was still going off never the less. I wanted to be capable to differentiate real potential dangers and even more so I wanted to be able to identify opportunites to smell a flower or allow something beautiful to wash over me and allow my heart to be gentle, awed and simple. Finding an article on Systema a few days after that recognition and discovering Martin Wheeler was going to be in Washington DC at the end of the month filled me with an emerging curiosity, a new begining that has and continues to marshal total change integration of something that has always been here and also something I felt had to be buried to survive. Here Gabor Mate does not just provide us a window into these ideas but literally blows a whole side of the house out lol in creating a understanding of a potential path from pain to healing. Loved it ! Chris Mattson Sarah Allain ( Sarah, I know this will thrill you, yes Gabor Mate! Wow, this is kismet !)Tristen Falen Long .
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:05:57 +0000

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