This is y u dont argue or talk out your problems with the people u - TopicsExpress


This is y u dont argue or talk out your problems with the people u love when ur Angry. Anger is a negative emotion and negative emotions carry negative energy. That negative energy will always repel away the positive solutions to ur problems between u and your loved ones because once one side as unleashed their negative energy the other side will also unleash their negative energy. Since energy is everything and everywhere it is the most highly contagious and easily spread, but yet the most complicated and delicate thing in existence. So once one side gets angry then the negative energy spreads to the other person like a disease or more like a wave from a rock of negative problems being thrown into a calm pond of positivity and love. Then the natural protective survival instincts of the mind kick in causing chemical reactions in the brain forcing more adrenaline into ur system. Ur heart starts pumping faster. Logic and reason go out the window and from then on everything u say to each other is hurtful, angry, senseless, unjust, and ends up straying far from what the Rock of problems actually were that caused the rippling waves to stir up the calm pond of positivity and love in the first place. ALWAYS remember that the rippling waves DONT last forever. That the Rock always sinks to the bottom, and that it was the combination of stupid social illusions you created in your own minds that threw the Rock, and every past and future Rock, into the pond in the first place. So u can let every Rock sink to the bottom and never resolve your problems. If u do this Rocks will build up over time and dilute the water of positivity and love forcing it to be more spread out but still connected turning the calm pond of love into an ever flowing and rapidly expanding river of love diluted with the dirt of negativity flowing away from the original source in different directions to another calm body of water. Once the water is gone from the pond all that will remain are the rocks of negativity and maybe a small stream still barely visible under all the rocks. At this point the love of either side would have either connected and completely flown into another calm body of water and left the original calm pond of positivity and love to run dry, or stayed connected by the tiny little flow of water underneath all the rocks. If the pond ran dry there is still a possibility that the water may find its way back down the dried up channels that was left behind in the past. If there is still a connection by a very small flow of water then the original love still flows from the original source which is the positive memories in each of your minds. If both sides redirect the flow of their love back to the original source the rush of crashing waves will overcome and move the rocks of negativity out of the pond bed. The old positive memories will be renewed, and with new positive memories and love they will spring forth from the dark underground spring they were buried in and continue to flow and spread into the original pond bed. Returning it once more into a clam pond of positivity and love. As long as both sides know that it was the negative illusions created by their minds that caused the rocks to fall into their pond of love and positivity to change and dilute the flow of their hearts, then no Rocks will ever fall into the pond again. Only storms will stir up the pond and cause waves of negativity but the pond will always remain WHOLE.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 02:25:54 +0000

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