This is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the - TopicsExpress


This is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge. At the siren, all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 hours. All emergency services will be suspended. Your government thanks you for your participation. I really dig the concept of this franchise. Loved it in the first part, loved it in this one too. This time, we are shown how the Purge affects the more common folks and what is the situation on the streets in the big cities, which is miles better than showing a Rich family with stupid kids dealing with their screw ups. There are three stories which combine later on. A couple gets stranded just before the purge near downtown; A mother and a daughter being attacked during the purge; A badass father out for revenge. Aside from the father, I didnt really like the characters but he was sufficient enough. Where this movie excels is depicting the horrors of the purge and how humans can easily loose their morality when something becomes legal. The legality of murder adds this weird creepiness in the movie. We also get to see some political stuff, resistances etc. The movie did had some pacing issues. I felt the middle portion bogged down a bit. Also, the characters drama was meh for the most part. I would love to see they expand on this world, show us a part about how corporations, the Government etc handles/deals with the purge etc. Much better than the first part. 7/10
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 14:22:05 +0000

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