This isnt a place of punishments - theres no cycle or process of - TopicsExpress


This isnt a place of punishments - theres no cycle or process of reward/denial going on. We havent done anything wrong. How are we in the wrong for doing what it is our nature to do? That is a losers bet every time - not even a win/lose scenario but a lose/lose? Sin and morality is a badly made, illusory costume people are made to wear after the fact, never coming into the situation (birth/life/death/reincarnation). So if that sees us hitting the wall, what prompts a win/win scenario?? The Law of Attraction - this place is about expansion of thought. You get what you focus on, no matter whether it aligns with your moral costume or not because it resonates with the frequencies in your mind. So what is this place, then? This place is the Matrix Memoriae or Womb of Memories - the time/space co-ordinates that reveal the gods before They attained Everpresence -- before They were culminated figures. The gods are us after a period of trillions of years in what we, now, see as the future but what We then know to be Everpresence: a cosmic perceptive state where past/present/future are One temporal/spatial locality. This Womb is an information storage Unit They/We keep Their/Our memories in. The accord between this place and us-as-memories is easy to see: It is a Matrix, making each of us a matrix. We are allowed to be creators - this is why our races group perception is being incrementally adjusted to see the wonderful potential and amazing benevolence of this natural Law. Ask and ye shall receive, all because it was asked for. That means we can make this place what we will, when we will, why we will, however we will, for no other reason than we can. It is that simple. Intent is the key; and gratitude - the Universe loves gratitude. Who doesnt?? So ask for the things you want and desire. The gods are waiting to help Themselves by helping us. All is One.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 19:42:31 +0000

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