This isnt the life we are meant to be living .. Blowing thing up - TopicsExpress


This isnt the life we are meant to be living .. Blowing thing up in the name of Allah and killing even your own people and people who have nothing to do with your agenda. This wont get you heard or anything just wasting innocent lives that could have become something. Making bad names for Muslims all around the world which is wrong tbh I have Muslim friends and they are not psycho bomb making killers as they are being painted. We sit and play FIFA, have a couple of drinks together, make jokes and laugh at pointless things. Its not fair for people to be afraid of returning to their HOME country emphasis on the home. Home is where the heart is that is how the saying goes, I would like to return to my home the one place i know that I truly belong not a second citizen in a foreign country but a proper citizen in my own and live without the fear that one day as I walk out to the friendly Aboki around the corner to buy suya it will not be my last meal. For whatever you believe in, be you an atheist without a religion your lack of religion will not stop the bomb nor will science magically stop all of this, a Christian or Muslim we all end up on both kneels, hands pointed up praying for our country. In whatever form you are trying to come against all of this madness dont stop keep on praying doesnt matter if u are a Christian, Muslim or atheist the point is if this doesnt stop, if we dont stop and learn to live together we might not have a place to call home. No child is born with hatred for another human being and hatred leads only to more hatred its a cycle that can only stop with forgiveness. This is not a matter of o what of the government why are they not doing anything, Nigeria has a population of 151.4 million citizens and 371 thousand sworn officers take that out of the total we have 151 million people still sitting on their hands doing nothing, shouting for years for the government to do something they do not make up to 1% of the civilians meaning make can make more difference with a whole less effort. Their is nothing much i can do than pray and write Facebook posts about this while watching anime but for those who can do more please do because there are those who are willing to do more but cant.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 00:48:31 +0000

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