This just came in from a client. The dog, the client and Dynamite - TopicsExpress


This just came in from a client. The dog, the client and Dynamite should really get the credit. Sharing it in Hope that maybe another dogs life will be better and another person given Hope for healing. This is a story of a little boy named William and his dog Hope. (William is 7 years old. Hope 3.5 years old. It started almost four years ago when we decided to look into getting a service dog for william. You see, William is a type one insulin dependent diabetic. Dignosnosed at 18 months old. We heard of diabetic alert dogs , that they detect thru scent high and low blood sugars before they happen. Thats when Williams Wish came true. Hope (a chocolate lab) came to us October 2011 at 8 weeks old. The two fall in love instantly. We started training as soon as he arrived. There were many times he did do his job recognizing the high and low blood sugars. That eventually came to an end. From the time Hope first arrived I had noticed many different problems with him. From sores on his belly, chest and legs, diarrhea, complete hair loss around his eyes to excessive dandruff and scratching non stop. Everytime I noticed something to the vet. We had every excuse in the book. Its the stress of him being taking away from his mom. The stress of traveling and training etc. Months gone by and we were told Hope has allergies. First, lets start with changing his food. (Btw Only the best dog food). Now, at age one its time to get him neutered per our contract with the breeder. It has been a tail spin from then. It went from 2 different types of medicated shampoos and allergy pills. To what I call the medication line-up of antibiotic, antifungal and steroids every three months to every two months to non stop! Thousands of dollars later and allergy testing. Hope is pretty much allergic to everything. Wow!! What a surprise!! Needless to say Hope is incapable of saving Williams life. We now have to save his!!! This is were healing Hope starts. By the grace of God my cousin Paula sat me down and literally knocked a ton of sense into me. She knows someone who can help us. She has worked with a healer named Carrie Eastman and begged me to get in touch with her. This is exactly when Healing Hope begins. We stopped all commercial dog food and started a raw diet ( a raw diet is anything that comes straight from nature. We are using venison. This is coming from a vegetarian for over 30 years. Stewing up and pureeing deer meat (my favorite part. Lol) apologizing to the poor thing who gave up his/her life. Crying my eyes out at the same time wearing a clothes pin on my nose ( no worse smell .) You have to do, what you have to do! Along, with dynamite products excel , pro and multi vitamins Cod liver oil. Stopped all shampoos , flea/tick, heartworm meds. Finished his cocktail of meds from the vet. Carrie also gave me Links to read so I can educate my self. We also started working with a homeopathic vet. Its been has been four months now since we started this journey and I can only say , Its absolutely amazing the transformation in Hope!!!! If you were to ask me , what was the most important change you made ? Id say ,taking the first step! then most importantly is to have FAITH! I doubted myself everyday. It was Carries encouraging words , dedication and love for our furry friends that kept me going. Hope was a very sick, unhappy, depressed , extremely uncomfortable, smelly, stinky, unsightly dog 4 months ago. Today, we have a totally different dog. Healthy, happy, smiling (if u can believe it), comfortable, playful, beautiful dog!!! We have to thank from the bottom of our hearts all those who have donated vension. Especially my cousin Paula, Carrie and Dr. Sheaffer. You are truly gifts from God! !! Thank you for saving Hopes life!!! William picked out the nane Hope for one reason...Hope for a cure of type one diabetes! Who knew that we needed that HOPE to save our Hope.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:02:07 +0000

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