This knowledge is deen so be careful from who you take your deen - TopicsExpress


This knowledge is deen so be careful from who you take your deen from. And because the vast majority of us are ignorant of our history, we are not able to recognize when someone revives and starts preaching the ancient rhetoric of one of Islams first and most dangerous deviant sects. Who am I talking about? The Quran is not a book. What is in the mushaf (written copy) is not the real Quran, says Yusuf Estes , popular American daee. This kind of speech reflects very very dangerous beliefs and I cannot stress enough the severity of such deviance. Denying that what is written in the mushaf is the Quran is from the blasphemy of the Jahmiyyah Sect, and it is considered to be outright disbelief by unanimous agreement of the Salaf and major scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah. Speakers who use theological rhetoric, where you use your intellect and reasoning, combined with a confusing play of words, to explain concepts of the deen are becoming increasingly popular. I thought it was only Yusuf Estes who propagated such blasphemy openly on public platforms, but no, this vile belief seems to be spreading as I recently saw a video of another popular daee , Khalid Yasin utter similar rhetoric. Be very very careful of who you listen to on the internet. It is easy, very easy to get lured in by eloquent and charismatic speakers. The young and ignorant are so often seduced by the rationale these duaat present, and more often than not, I see them forming unreasonable and emotional attachments to these speakers. I say to be careful because most of us do not have any firm grounding in aqeedah, and as a result, we dont have the ability to judge whether what someone is preaching is right or wrong. To understand aqeedah properly, you have to understand Islamic history . Because then only will you be able to see how, why, where and when the Ummah of Muhammad fractured into so many pieces. Then, and only then will you be able to recognize the path of the Salaf from those who deviated. Only then will you be able to recognize truth from falsehood. Your aqeedah is what you will die with. Your aqeedah is what you will be questioned on. Your aqeedah is what will determine your eternal fate. So it is your responsibility to take care of it. A person will not truly grasp and understand the Salafi aqidah and manhaj until he understands the historicalorigins of whatever opposes them. This requires having a grasp of history, and especially of the first three hundredyears hijrah. This is a nice statement from Shaykh Saalih Aal al-Shaykh emphasizing this matter. Knowledge of history is vital and crucial to the people of the Sunnah, itaids in refuting the opposers. The intent behind important knowledge is that you know how deviation entered into the Muslims, how did itenter? You will not understand the sayings (of the Salaf) in aqidah and nor the detailed elaborations until you know how that evolved over the years. In the first century was such and such and in the second century was such and such, and the graduation in that. You will understand the origin of every saying, why diddiffering occur with respect to it? And the conflicting views, what was their reason? But as for when you take the sayings of the scholars, or the sayings ofthe opposers without being acquainted with the successive development of the saying (in that matter) and how it originated, then you will (only have) a weak comprehension of what is intended in their sayings (of the opposers) and refutation of them and so on. So from the important knowledge is that you know how deviation entered into the Muslims in diverse areas, in creed , in action, in detail and so on ... the origin, Evolution and graduation of each saying , so for example: How did the saying of the Khawaari, that major sin expels from Islaam , arise? Or how did the saying thatAllaah is not above His Throne arise? Or how did the saying that actions are not from Eeemaan arise? Or how did the saying that the Quran is created arise? ( study this article ). So what were the historical backgrounds to these sayings and what did the Salaf say in response and how did these varioussayings evolve and develop? These are the issues that aperson of the Sunnah must know and grasp so that his feet are planted firmly. Likewise in a contemporary setting, how and why did the saying of Hassan al-Bannaa arise, his so called Golden Principle of cooperation, and how and whydid takfir of the whole Ummah arise, and how and why and for what purpose and end did the concept of the Islamic Jamaaah arise in the 20th century, and why did some Ikhwanis try to distinguish between al-Firqah al-Naajiyah and al-Taaifah al-Mansurah, and why did the same Ikhwanis invent the principle of al-Muwaazanah and so on. You must know and understand that history is the weapon of a Sunni, Salafi, Athari against all factions of innovators. Entering the field without this weapon necessitates weakness, allowing the people of falsehood to possess an upper hand and to deceive the people about their innovation and misguidance.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 06:54:20 +0000

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