This lady tells it like it is... From Jennifer Burke One - TopicsExpress


This lady tells it like it is... From Jennifer Burke One would think the Left’s race and racism card would be so worn by now that it would be unusable. However, in an effort to disparage anyone who disagrees with Obama’s disastrous policies, out of control spending, lavish lifestyle on the taxpayer’s dime, and tyrannical ways, they continue to hurl accusations of racism. Many on the Left have demonstrated that they will go to any and all lengths to protect Barack Obama, even if it means lying about and smearing honest hard working Americans. In the process of providing constant cover, they don’t even understand the inherent racism and bigotry in their defense of Obama. Attacking black conservatives as sellouts, assuming that all black people should vote Democrat, and defending Obama’s presidency as successful is an insult to the intelligence of every American, regardless of skin color. These tactics put on full display the bigotry of low expectations and assumption of group thinking that is expected by the Left only if you are black or Hispanic. Recently, HBO’s resident race baiting, anti-Christian bigot Bill Maher took his hate-filled rhetoric against the pro-freedom, pro-Constitution Tea Party movement to ABC’s The View. Maher stated that believes that Obama has done “fantastic” as president, claiming also that he has done so while dealing with ‘unprecedented criticism.’ I suppose Maher had his eyes, ears, and mouth (that one’s not likely) shut during the 8 years of George W. Bush’s president and the 6 ½ years since during which time the Left, led by Obama, continues to use him as a punching bag and an excuse for all of Obama’s failures. But, Maher couldn’t stop there. Of course, he had to then take the opportunity to attack the Tea Party movement as racist. “I know the tea party hates hearing that. That, you know, they’re racist, because 99.999% of them are white and the president who drives them insane is black is just a coincidence. I’m sorry, nobody has had to deal with what he had to deal with. I never saw … I never saw a governor stick the finger in a president’s face like the governor of Arizona did. I never saw a president heckled at the State of the Union like he was. I never saw Bill O’Reilly interrupt a president the way he does. There’s a kind of in your face, in your space, disrespect going on there.” This tired, lie-filled argument is one that I have spoken out against since I became a Tea Party activist in 2009. Of course, then, as now, we were accused of being racist. When Liberals realize that I am a black woman, then the gloves are off. Both back then and today, I have been called every name in the book and accused of hating my own ethnicity. In 2010, I wrote the following article to debunk these Leftist, smear tactics while stating what the Tea Party truly stands for. These words ring just as true today and are just as relevant to be said since, sadly, the divisiveness of race baiting tactics are still being employed by the Left. The Tea Party movement has been wrongly and unfairly characterized as a racist movement. As evidence of this, detractors of the movement like to point out that there are very few people of color involved in Tea Party activities. I believe that the reason there are not many people of color in the movement is due to a misunderstanding of what the movement represents. I also believe that minority groups have been taken in by the distortions and misrepresentations that are reported in the media and disseminated by a Democratic Party that is feeling very threatened. This movement isn’t just about taxes and it has nothing to do with the color of the President’s skin. It is about returning this country to the principles of limited government, free markets and individual rights (granted by God, not the government) that our Founding Fathers intended. I was drawn to the Tea Party Movement as I watched the core integrity of my country being pulled away at a rapid rate. Granted, we had been on a slippery slope for quite some time, but 2009 was a full speed, head on attack on the principles, values, history, and citizens of this country. On election night, I was astounded that so many Americans fell for the picture the media painted of Obama as a centrist. I paid attention to the truths that came out about his background and affiliations. When looking at what he stood for, his voting record as a Senator, things he’d said, and what he’d done in the past, I knew he was not a centrist, but rather a radical leftist. It disappointed me greatly when I heard people speak about how the election of Obama was a realization of the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. My belief is that his election was quite the opposite; contrary to the vision of Dr. King. If America truly judged this man by the content of his character and not the color of his skin, then all controversies surrounding his past would not have been denounced as racist. Nearly every argument against him both during the campaign and since the election have been denounced as racist. There is a movement to silence the voice of the people by defaming them. The Democratic policies to expand the welfare state and grow government do not help. It simply keeps people stuck in a place in which many can no longer see their way out. When you have generational welfare with even the youngest believing that is their lot in life, a thought process that I worked hard to counter in my years as a teacher, then there is a problem. Couple those policies with their constant use of class warfare and race baiting and you have not a party or President seeking bi-partisan solutions in an attempt to bring the country together, but a party and President seeking to pit Americans against each other using clearly partisan tactics. I felt that I had to address these attacks on the Tea Party movement. To ignore their attacks would simply help perpetuate their stereotype and allow them to silence and shame us into submission. The fact that there have been many vocally criticizing this attack on the Tea Party movement as itself being racist has caused the left to pivot and search for yet another claim to make. Now, the attack being made is that this movement is one of sedition. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of sedition is incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority. If it is seditious to expect that our government leaders will follow the Constitution, then we have a problem here in America. Contrary to what many, including our president, would like you to believe, the Constitution is not a ‘living and breathing document.’ That idea is being pushed for the sole purpose of transforming this country into a place that is completely counter to what the Founding Fathers intended. The people that came before us did not go through everything they did for us to slip quietly into the night and become another European society. It’s a sad day in America when standing by and for the Constitution, and expecting our elected officials to do the same, gets one labeled a radical extremist. It’s a sad day in America when expecting government to operate within its constitutional boundaries and for the president to uphold the Constitution not constantly go around it gets one labeled a racist. But, that is what the Left does. They cannot argue based on facts, so they attempt to make up their own. They cannot explain away Obama’s corruption and incompetence, so they attempt to discredit those who call him out or shift the blame to someone else. That is what we in the Tea Party movement are up against. Rather than get frustrated with the lies of the Left, and frankly with many within the GOP Establishment, in regards to this movement, we must continue the fight. We cannot allow their smear tactic lies to shame us into silence. Our voice must be heard for it is the voice that echoes that of our Founding Fathers who sought and fought for freedom. America is depending on us! About Jennifer Burke Jennifer Burke became politically active for the first time at the Porkulus Tea Party in Seattle in February 2009. She was a speaker at the Seattle Tax Day Tea Party at Westlake Center on April 15, 2010, was featured in a popular Tea Party video, Proud to be A Tea Bagger.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:11:39 +0000

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