This last Fall my sister Lori was diagnosed with breast cancer and - TopicsExpress


This last Fall my sister Lori was diagnosed with breast cancer and tomorrow she will have surgery for a double mastectomy. Although she keeps quiet and doesnt make a big deal about it, our family is scared and concerned about her. I have asked permission and am now asking you all to wear pink for Lori Bennett James tomorrow. Its a simple way to show your love and support for her and to encourage her during one of lifes scariest times for her. I am asking for you to wear anything pink, write her an encouraging message, send her love or simply remember her in your prayers. If you wear pink, post it to her wall and when she is well she will see what amazing people once again came together to love on one of our own. Lori would do anything for anybody and those who know her, know that. Im asking my hometown Marmaduke friends to my Searcy friends and anywhere else that wants to participate as well, even if you dont know her and only know me, please do it! I am so thankful for the love and prayers for our family and appreciate them continuing for Lori. Wear pink! 󾔏󾓜󾓚󾀇󾆕󾬑
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 20:14:27 +0000

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