This last month was the most amazing and humbling experience. We - TopicsExpress


This last month was the most amazing and humbling experience. We had no clue what we were getting ourselves into by taking in a student from another country to live with us for a month... especially a teen. We were both excited and nervous because we wanted to provide the best experience for the student yet we had no idea as to what they were used to, what they expected out of us, or even this experience as a whole. We even prayed over which student to pick! Fears subsided a little the day we met and picked up our new student, Rozenn. She was sweet, beautiful, and spoke very good English. (Thank goodness because we knew ZERO French!) We apologized for the disarray of our house as we just moved in but made sure her room was completed first before her arrival. After just a day of being together, we realized quickly that Rozenn was actually a PERFECT fit for our family. Shes smart, funny, respectful, fun, loves to shop, and easily adaptable. Oh, and did I say beautiful? :) The bonds grew stronger each day as we introduced her to American ways (you know, wet willies and the like), American food (and lots of candy), our It Works lifestyle and even traveled the East Coast together... By car! She in turn taught us some French words and answered all of Jays thousands of questions about Paris and Jordan. Those 29 days went by so fast. We werent ready for her to go. :(. Although I know this isnt goodbye and we will definitely see her again, it still was an extremely hard thing to do. I cant but help to feel like we are missing a member of our family. Thank you, Rozenn for coming and allowing us to host you and love you. We will never forget our time together. We love you, Roro!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:15:44 +0000

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